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UFO disinformation

In 1970s and 1980s, Steven Greer Says there were 2 Billion Radio Frequency Chips made (in the US of A). Some (not sure how many) implanted as though aliens doing it..

on Fri, 11/03/2017 - 03:22

Watching some of the latest talks by Steven Greer, I appreciate his courage and intelligence even more. He is Trying to Get the Word out that we've not only not heard the truth about Almost Everything we think we know but were LIED TO bigtime.

Yikes!! Double Yikes!! "Fake Alien Abductions will keep people guessing and make it hard for normal people to believe in UFOs" Costuming, stagecraft and much more will be used to make abductions convincing to those involved ( especially young people I imagine).

It's late at night so I can't spend much time on this... but sadly if people were not