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Looking back over the last few decades (yes 30 Years)--It Went By In Unexpected but Remarkable Ways..

on Mon, 02/13/2017 - 17:02

Looking over the memories on FB is helpful... and on the date 29 years after being married (Feb 13th) and having four kids (plus 5 miscarriages who I named and do count in as spiritual helpers for our crew and hopefully we served some purpose for them as well)...a whole new field of inquiry could allow more healing on one of those common but not much discussed areas..I will reflect more on the theories I've heard on and how some things played out for me.

One point was that after three miscarriage after our first lovely healthy child, I was worried I couldn't have any more... yet

And a few more dreams after the time-travel one a couple nights ago...

on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 19:41

While hard to stay up past ten for me to watch the exciting overtime finale of the Super Bowl, I managed and was thrilled to see the way-cool player charging toward the end line and managing to get the Ball over the line  while still in hand which qualified as a touchdown. I am a newbie to the game but got to hear that clarification about 'what makes a touchdown'.

I thought that must have been one of the better games and again heard that was indeed the case given many stats for players, a coach and the odds of 1 in 191 that the Patriots or any team could have recovered from the other team's,

Way Very Cool: Super Bowl Tied at 28:28 and Going Into that IS a Double-Header of a Game!

on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 03:20

Tired as I am and ready to get to sleep, I thought to see how the score wrapped up for the Super Bowl. I thought I was looking at a past news post that they were somehow Tied. But no one lied. Mind you I was only watching for a bit and half time, so my apologies for not being an pro sports writer. I'll watch a bit more, but likely will head to bed in suspense. Kudos to all enjoying the game and equally to the Falcons and Patriots!

One Double-Header Superbowl Sunday for Livfully blogger...(Moi) but hats off to the Tommy cast at the Warner and Lady Gaga,The Patriots and Falcons! Plus, Where would we be without our regular bodily functions, not just our senses?

on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 02:55

I knew I'd have a busy day since I wanted to usher at The Warner Theatre to see the musical Tommy with songs like Pinball Wizard. I happened to think of asking a Canadian friend who was visiting here in America if he knew that song. At first he didn't think so, but then said, "Oh yeah." But plenty of younger adults don't know it, so go ahead and give a listen on youtube.

And is there a movie?

If You Could Do Whatever You Wanted Without Question or Pause...Would You Really Want That?! (Even if you were hurting others, yourself, your relationships and integrity and potentially landing in jail or a psych center?)

on Sat, 02/04/2017 - 15:11

We've all heard there are 'laws to the universe'.Some like gravity are fairly obvious as when a baby rolls over and bumps his or her head on a hard floor (or falls backward from sitting due to a turn or even imitating someone doing  a backward roll which did happen once, so be careful what little ones see..."Baby see, baby do."

Even kids watching television or online things try dangerous things, and yes, sadly I met someone whose child tried to do a pretend choking stunt but actually died.She was going to advocate for laws against such media stunts.

That is another area where Parents and
