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Way Very Cool: Super Bowl Tied at 28:28 and Going Into that IS a Double-Header of a Game!

on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 03:20

Tired as I am and ready to get to sleep, I thought to see how the score wrapped up for the Super Bowl. I thought I was looking at a past news post that they were somehow Tied. But no one lied. Mind you I was only watching for a bit and half time, so my apologies for not being an pro sports writer. I'll watch a bit more, but likely will head to bed in suspense. Kudos to all enjoying the game and equally to the Falcons and Patriots!  Tom Brady "laid it out perfectly" I hear the announcer cheering, so let me go see what's what...So The Patriots Won!! Very cool close game, and winning touchdown just over the line...and nice after show celebrating with Tom Brady declaring with a silver football award held high, "Let's take this sucker home!"

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