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See FB Live Tonight (7:30pm West Coast time)

on Thu, 10/26/2017 - 20:42

To see coverage on Crisis in the Family Courts Coverage, tune into tonight, Oct. 27th, 2017. Likely it will be on their page afterwards as well, but the interest is growing finally in the media covering something more women and kids should have learned about Decades Ago. It's not clear to most average citizens what the problems could possibly be that would merit Public Coverage of Private "family Matters'.

Yet when people hear 'A Husband Killed A Wife" that should indicate the nature of the trouble that can erupt or escalate if a woman says she may want to separate

Let's Revamp Almost Everything So We Have A Clear View for Our Future (and Cleaner Air to Breathe too)

on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 01:30

I had a lot of great ideas to share before I woke up. I thought I'd put them down online here by 10 am but hurried off to an event that started at noon when I checked the info, thinking it'd be at 2pm. Now I am recalling some of it was to convey the ideas from the book Your Life, Why It Is the Way It Is by Bruce McArthur. The ideas speak of the teachings of Edgar Cayce...a very helpful book for anyone to know about.

When Loved Ones Are Taken Too Soon, How to Pace Oneself Over the Years and Have Hope for Connecting With Them In Spirit (while here on earth...)

on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 21:36
To start on a positive note, see Mark Anthony the Psychic Attorney whose written Never Say Goodbye and Evidence of Eternity. I have heard him in person and there's more alternative views about energy and the afterlife shared by other psychics in books and online. The New Life Expo is held in NYC a couple times a year, with the next coming up at the end of October 2017.
Remembering Loved Ones who have journeyed on..some unexpectedly maybe from an accident, or due to illness or 'worse even if not long in suffering' due to violence at the hands of others.

Decoding Deepak a Cool Documentary by his son Gotham for US- All

on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 02:41

While intending to check my email I somehow thought to see if I could get the latest documentary type film What Doesn't Kill Me (by the Women Make Movies folks) on Netflix.The next part feels like universal timing and me beaming in Deepak for some insights, having only seen his book You are the Universe in a library, but hoping to find time not commune with not only his ideas but maybe see him at The Chopra Center in NYC (still on my wish list...)

Once I saw I couldn't (at this time) I poked around for what might be of interest, not feeling I had time actually Watch something, but maybe see

Honoring the more than 500 Kids in the Last Decade (through 2016) Who Have Lost their Lives to Domestic Violence...and the Thousand Moms who Also Perish Each Year (for Decades, Sadly)

on Fri, 10/20/2017 - 04:04

"Coast to Coast in America" sounds good, yet when a warning is issued, it means "Time to Heed It!" October happens to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month, so coming on the heels of Gun Violence events at the start of the month and the coast to coast concerts against gun violence in September 2017, let's keep the learning happening. Someone near or dear to you may have already suffered (and I  recently met people from Toronto and Colorado coming to show support for the cause of preventing Gun Violence via The Carey Gabay Foundation which will do outreach in the NYC area.

At the concert
