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New Life Expo

A Golden Nugget to Help You Connect With Your Life Purpose (from New Life Expo speaker)

on Sat, 04/11/2020 - 16:52

Check out the Amazing Speakers on New Life Expo..which is online now and for the next few weekends...Guess What Their Awesome New Offer is? Not only the 12 dollar a day option but get the whole kit and kaboodle of Ten Days of Talks with 10 speakers each for $100 (the videos themselves so rather A-MAZE-Sing (something to sing about which is also good for the body and soul too by the way, just sounds or words...) 

Here's Tammy Adam's recent offer, so Check It Out! See a prior post about New Life Expo and their site for all the next speakers who have websites and often offers too!

When Loved Ones Are Taken Too Soon, How to Pace Oneself Over the Years and Have Hope for Connecting With Them In Spirit (while here on earth...)

on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 21:36
To start on a positive note, see Mark Anthony the Psychic Attorney whose written Never Say Goodbye and Evidence of Eternity. I have heard him in person and there's more alternative views about energy and the afterlife shared by other psychics in books and online. The New Life Expo is held in NYC a couple times a year, with the next coming up at the end of October 2017.
Remembering Loved Ones who have journeyed on..some unexpectedly maybe from an accident, or due to illness or 'worse even if not long in suffering' due to violence at the hands of others.

Some "Good News" from "The Other Side" (yes, that Other Side, and the book by that name by Geozuwa

on Sat, 04/29/2017 - 17:59

When I went to the NYC a month or so ago, I knew there'd be a lot 'wild and wonderful and even crazy' ideas and 'energies' to consider, not to mention people to see and sights and sounds to hear.  I did get to see Eric Pearl in person from as well as briefly chat with Dannion Brinkley. site had come to mind to check for her Tuesday night online talk and that's where I learned of it in a small ad.