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Going on year after year when Loss had made its mark on one's life and heart

When Loved Ones Are Taken Too Soon, How to Pace Oneself Over the Years and Have Hope for Connecting With Them In Spirit (while here on earth...)

on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 21:36
To start on a positive note, see Mark Anthony the Psychic Attorney whose written Never Say Goodbye and Evidence of Eternity. I have heard him in person and there's more alternative views about energy and the afterlife shared by other psychics in books and online. The New Life Expo is held in NYC a couple times a year, with the next coming up at the end of October 2017.
Remembering Loved Ones who have journeyed on..some unexpectedly maybe from an accident, or due to illness or 'worse even if not long in suffering' due to violence at the hands of others.