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Planning to Learn so you can make some great moves to protect or transfer property and more...Study Up and Buddy up with pros!

Whose got SCIN in the game (pronounce skin and a bit like it to for coverage but of property transfer...) Explore terms with me here now!

on Sun, 05/21/2023 - 23:00

Someone sent me this and always important to talk to a few experts and see it they're saying the same options exist in one's is another helpful resource to understand terms and possibly have a consult (the person or their POA would need to be making the call etc and may need more review before getting a consult with anyone...and these things may take weeks or months and even years for people to warm up to and figure out, do some homework and have a second consult down the road...some people give some free general info sessions or a discount or otherwise 'onboard