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Whose got SCIN in the game (pronounce skin and a bit like it to for coverage but of property transfer...) Explore terms with me here now!

on Sun, 05/21/2023 - 23:00

Someone sent me this and always important to talk to a few experts and see it they're saying the same options exist in one's is another helpful resource to understand terms and possibly have a consult (the person or their POA would need to be making the call etc and may need more review before getting a consult with anyone...and these things may take weeks or months and even years for people to warm up to and figure out, do some homework and have a second consult down the road...some people give some free general info sessions or a discount or otherwise 'onboard potential clients' but others may require a fee for meeting in person or on zoom to see if there's chance folks may want to work together. People need to present as competent but that can vary in terms of how things are checked.

Unfortunately without real support, some people may be taken advantage of so everyone would be wise to have some extra support lined up so a few 'bad apples' don't rush a process of putting someone in a home when that is not a real need or their wish. Some people get told a good caregiver may become a problem or get violent with no grounds for that.

Those cases should be Red Flags when the person has real property to lose (their home for instance, all paid for and otherwise could be managed to help the person remain in their home with a legal caregiver agreement in place as each state may have terms for, generally set up before one needs care with a daily log and terms of pay and so on spelled out.

Again this is just to get conversations going but to alert more people that 'there is no one driving the bus' to assure each and every person has the advocacy early and often to help them have the proper support to stay independent in their home or in the community.

The money follows the person so anyone in a care facility could have support to live in the community with funds following them if they have money to 'spend down' or are eligible for that with other programs. Many people who could learn and really should do so for themselves or others are in 'the land of 'I have no idea what this is about and don't feel I can or should have to think about it for myself or others.'

That may be a coping mechanism and many people leave things to the experts a little too late in the game often but even in advance may not understand their options or ways to make changes if needed. It's important to work with qualified, experience people such as the folks.

Also be aware that siblings living together may qualify for ways to keep a residential home 'off the spend down list' for a while if not longer...that's a federal caveat and worth everyone learning more about what the terms are for that to work out. Rights of survivorship may or may not make sense but again important to consid

Medicare does not cover everything and depending on the care needed, medicaid may be indicated...and thus the 'spend down' which can be a lookback over expenses from the past 5 years or even 7 or more...with a need to have expenditures documented so hopefully folks can do better on that front. Also that may mean eligibility can be delayed so really it's a topic everyone could be educated on...

Thanks for taking time to learn the terms and topics over time and share with someone willing to learn (and take notes. ) I share much of what I've been learning on in hopes more people can ease into these things (and be ready to fill out intake forms with info about assets, expenses and insurance coverage etc as I share one example of on my blog.

Facebook hope that link comes through but it's from TDK Accounting Services on SCIN...

This fellow mentions SCIN, Self-Cancelling Inheritance Note which means a person selling a home etc to agrees to have the debt cancelled upon their death. This fellow says that avoids creating a tax burden if someone were gifted the property directly of via or some other kinds of transactions...Happy Learning and Living Fully!