I shared this post on the Great Barrington Community Board of MA. There may be a new group starting due to some issues with that one. A person shared a site I looked into a bit, BerkshireCommunityLandTrust.org

Here are other thoughts as well..Good luck to all preparing for Hurricane Dorian in Florida and big thanks to all able to help others whether in the state or travelling from other states. Hunker down and stock up on supplies (first.)

Likely there are lists to doublecheck to have fresh water, food and canned goods, basic medicine and supplies handy (maybe even adult and child briefs if there is a concern about using the bathroom or needing to travel in difficult situations.)

Life vests and ‘higher places’ may be important to know about or other safety shelters… maybe that would be a basement. I am not an expert but just thinking out loud. Hopefully people in the know can share a lot and help people know where one another is and keeping track of people if they are on the move..

Hello as Summer Winds Down… I have been blogging on livfully.org about affordable housing for very low income people as well as those who could pay or earn (not sure which) 1K-3K monthly.

.Basically there is interest on the Northwest Corner Chatter CT FB page (now open to the public) to promote a housing advocacy effort… I hope to spur networking whether online or more formal meetings.

I also promote a lot of safety and prevention tips to help everyone feel included and capable in the big game of LIFE. Ideally everyone can keep an eye out for others (and even drive respectfully on purpose…)

There are articles in The Lakeville Journal (of CT) about this topic as well this week. The papers are all online in archives going back many decades so that’s a treasure trove for history buffs and kids doing research. See their website for links… and enjoy the Rest of the Summer!

Thanks, I looked into the site about the Berkshire Community Land Trust (.org) and am familiar with some of the properties…I’ll share the link on Northwest Corner Chatter…Ideally we could have a tri-corner networking effort, something I have been doing on my blog and over the years as I can.

We could learn a lot from one another. The WOT, Walking Our Talk for women groups have been helpful to some in the NWCT area and have had a couple hundred or more women participate over the last decade.

Something a bit simpler and informal for everyone, men, women, youth, elders etc would be a great ‘feeder’ effort to connect with other resources. It helps to have some basic guidelines and shared understanding of being respectful and helpful toward one another.

Every school and grade (and class in each grade) could encourage parents and other caregivers and family support people to be in the loop regarding school, work and other local and helpful programs.

A few parents and others ‘providing some networking’ could help more people feel included, valued and ready to access resources for basics and programs (termed ‘inputs’) and share their talents and skills (sometimes called ‘outputs’ as in permaculture circles.)

Meanwhile there will be a CROP Walk on Sept 29th, 2019 at 12:30 pm held at the Housatonic Valley Regional HS in Falls Village CT, sponsored by the Church World Service (CWS) not the schools that participate or where its held. 25% of donations raised, usually about $5K of 20K  I think annually, stays locally to help in food banks

. I believe those are in the NW Corner of CT but some of those food places serve people from other states as well (Dutchess County and maybe Southern Berkshire folks.) Consider walking ‘because others around the world who are hungry and in need walk’ often in highly difficult conditions. They once two or three of the Lost Boys of Sudan (who were living in New Haven CT I believe, part of the small number who survived perilous times in Africa.) join us. They walked the more difficult 10M route up and over Music Mountain that was offered (rather than down and back to the West Cornwall Bridge or part way as most folks do.)

They did it barefoot and were all smiles, saying it was a nice walk. I think they did it barefoot as well, but walkers (and runners which there are a few of and some time themselves but that’s not really the spirit of the event..but all of us benefit from fitness and likely being able to run would be a great skill for more to learn early in life and keep up with as is appropriate and okay with their physician.)

There could be a Hunger Action or other Food and Support for more people who would like help in that area. Construct can help fill out food stamp (SNAP) forms and that would be a great kind of help in CT and NY (the neighboring counties for starters…) Okay hope people may think of creating their own CROP Walk in the Berkshires eventually or simply joining in the this one for starters and catching on about the planning and event.

A few dozen students from a few private schools usually participate and then a few dozen local people, some for 20 years walking 5-10 miles, but there is not a set limit, and people can just do one (or more) laps on the flat surface around the main lawn at the high school. The Salisbury Band usually plays music and a good time is had by all.

All minors need to be supervised and it is also important to take care crossing Route 7, ideally with the traffic light since some drivers travelling south are going 50 mph and the event is not well marked at that important intersection far north of the event…and even then some people are in their own zone. Thanks for driving safely and wearing bright colors and walking mainly in the daylight.