I love hearing about programs for people that enrich their options to network and learn something along the way… With dance there’s a ‘universal language’ that more people are appreciating if not only from commercials on television. Who hasn’t done their own ‘happy dance’ when hearing good news, maybe winning something, meeting someone or welcoming a new one into one’s family or social circles (remember Not to Jump with baby in one’s arms however…) Okay so there’s plenty to get excited about with summer wrapping up and fall unfolding with many special events locally, farther out and online. Keep an eye on the weather when going to a program or event.
Things can change and some storms travel faster than you can outrun them. Some places like Community Foundations (Berkshire Taconic Foundation) and scholarships at schools, programs and again possibly online (even asking for loans from those interested in doing so such as the Berkshire Co-op is asking its members to consider to raise $500 K with 5% given on loans of 10K if I read the letter correctly, don’t quote me.) The point is some people have extra to ‘give or to loan’.
Maybe loans can be worked off or otherwise figured out to be paid back in a reasonable way over time. Do things ‘legally and above board’ and good luck finding the right fit to help yourself, your kids and others pursue their interests in a timely, helpful fashion. I heard a musician play an amazing part of classical music on Instagram that fit into the orchestral program she was supposed to attend but was being barred or otherwise prevented from attending. I didn’t want to forget that amazing use of technology..and likely I really need to get the hang of Instagram this instant or fairly soon.
I invite all dancers and students and everybuddy else to check out some basic hand drumming lessons online, learning the basics of playing the djembe ( sounds like Gem-bay.) Look up what John Marshall offers and let’s get the world feeling more at ease with moving to the beat of their own heart and to connecting with a drum alone or with others..call and response, echoing, and otherwise in concert. It’s a wonderful much overlooked opportunity. Maybe more classes could encourage a time for students to drum on their desks…and realize there are more ways to ‘think and play’ in one’s mind and with some simple props than not.
Enjoy, Einstein, Mozart and when it’s boogey time!