I find myself in a difficult spot since I tried to post a lengthy but moving set of ideas on a local forum that is ‘open to the public.’ It covered a photo of victims of the Boeing Crash that sadly included the Sheffield MA native Samya Stumo whose uncle Ralph Nader is doing important advocacy along with her family and others. That will help all who fly have higher standards of accountability for the design of the planes as well as the training of the pilots.
But I got a notice I can’t share anything with a certain forum until after September 17, 2019. Last year I ran into a similar kind of difficulty when sharing that NoLiesRadio.org is offering important ideas about how the Twin Towers and Tower 7 actually would have been able to implode and it was not likely due to the planes hitting the towers or the small fire in Tower 7. The talks I heard on their site from Sept. 7, 2019 included that conspiracy theorists will be banned in many areas and labeled as controversial if not antagonistic. One of the speakers was indicating that silencing people and prohibiting the ideas may be paving a road to a facist political scene.
What I find very confusing is that hundreds and indeed hundreds of thousands of people at times have protested to raise awareness. Yet braving sharing a resource of 3000 scientists, lawyers offering insights based on physical evidence (which by law need to be allowed to be heard in court) and other professors in politics and the press, are being banned by simple ‘open community forums.’
Some people were feeling it was disrespectful to discuss these topics particularly at this time. It seemed in poor taste or unfair to the families who believe their loved ones perished due to the reasons expressed in the mainstream media, which I learned Dan Rather believes as well. I coved that in other posts. Maybe that would give reassurance to many people.
However much of what he shared during his talk which is on a podcast with the Greenlight Bookstore was about ‘being willing to listen to other people and try to understand where they are coming from, what they are saying, and consider new ideas.’ With respect he was cheering people on (as he does in his latest book) to find unity and not be sold out to interests not based on the common good with decency as the bottom line.
September 11th can be deemed a national day of mourning. While we can agree to mourn for the victims who perished or were harmed in the 9/11 travesty (and indeed emergency, but also maybe a time of Emerge and See Reality Worldwide, since a million lives were impacted and a large percentage of those lost in the Iraq War that resulted from the assumed or determined attack even with no clear evidence of weapons of mass destruction. The talks offer that some evidence and grounds for war was ‘made up’ by the people in charge who filled in the blanks so they could pass muster with reasons to attack Iraq. It’s a heartbreaking set of events that unfolded on a humanitarian level as well as cultural one with much being destroyed in a bombing attack that was relentless and thorough.
I haven’t revisited that much but likely will look up more about that time in history. Clearly it is a time that everyone started to pay extra close attention to due to the high cost, incredible level of devastation and the casualties and disheartened and even suicidal veterans returning from war. In that sense the war is still playing out in our society with untold numbers suffering harm, much like the initial responders and people harmed in 9/11 in addition to those who lost their lives with familes and loved ones having their lives changed irrevocably.
Let’s keep these things close in our hearts as September Eleventh arrives, in a mere 15 minutes. It’s time for a good night’s rest with hope that in the future every news outlet and online discussion of 9/11/01 would brave including the concerns raised by those who have a professional ethical duty to keep us honest and accurate in our accounting of such critical events, whatever they involve in terms of logistics, mechanics, explosives, physics and fall-out medically or psychologically, militarily and on other fronts as well.
We will not sweep things under the rug for the comfort of a few, those who may have had ill motives and who may have yet other plans to destroy not only the physical buildings and landscape of part of our country and that of other countries but also demoralize people and confuse the heck out of anyone trying to make sense of these things in liberal, ‘free’ countries even if some people relentlessly brave pursuing critical questions related to our security, integrity and safety on many fronts.
Thanks for bearing witness to this kind of ‘Let’s Get Real” post..it’s not Let’s Make a Deal…in terms of a game show, it’s about what we value and the precious time we have which we need to get organized and try to comprehend What’s Really Going On much like Steven Greer suggests could help us save not only humanity but the earth itself.
With Climate Change and Politics it’s “Game On” much like the playing out of the #MeToo movement, the book She Said (which was discussed candidly with eye-opening remarks about some key advocates for women seemingly doing an about-face to help Harvey Weinstein.) Strangely that is a language and topic many women will listen to and process deeply.
The idea that people were being paid to keep quiet and not be able to speak to their family about horrendous experiences is another level of silencing that detracts and hurts the whole population (except the abusers maybe.) We need to do more than not do more wrong, we need to start doing things ‘right’…with support and fines paid to victims, not just hush money.
Maybe many people would like to offer me money Not To Write about 9/11 for instance, especially not near the time of 9/11 even if that is when the livestream and archived talks are being made available ‘through 9/22/19) on NoLiesRadio.org. Let’s really think this through more as the President of Wesleyan was saying on NPR in the past few days about his new book and finding ways for colleges to allow students to express views of others without having to agree with them. Likely we need a primer for the country on this topic and maybe this post since it is a topic everyone can relate to reasonably easily will get the ball rolling…Peace and light as we see what this year brings, keeping in mind there is a Climate Stand 2020 on Sept 20th and World Day of Peace on September 21st.
There’s also a Prayer Circle online on the 19th of each month by Jenn McLean. So hopefully we can tune into those as well as folks online like PMH Atwater and Mark Anthony,on NDEs or Near Death Experiences. He explores as do many others how ‘consciousness’ comes into the body but leaves when the body dies.
That a person can be revived speaks to that process of ‘reincarnation’…yet when one dies and isn’t revived, the same consciousness could return in another body (from another realm or possibly different part of the universe) and that would be reincarnation. Where might the souls or consciousness of those who departed be now?
That is a key question many people would likely take some comfort in considering…about loved ones and others as well as implications for oneself in the future (where would one go or who might one be if given a new lease or round at life?) Some say it’s a lot like ‘going back to school’ here on earth, or making new friends (choosing carefully since the implications can play out over a lifetime…)
Thanks again for sharing the journey..and keeping an open heart and mind about what I am sharing, mainly hearing from others online.
I will say I have a friend who passed from cancer recently so will be holding her in my heart and in the light as I think of all those in my circles and from various times in life (my own and in the news…) who have transitioned from this earthly plane.
Now if the community forum hadn’t banned me I wouldn’t have written this post which is about twice as long as the one I wanted to put up. But I think I’ve covered the basics and it’s not 9/11 so let’s try to pull together on thinking that through..with a little help from our friends on all sides..and with great love from above.