As this is Wednesday, September 11th, 2019, I will take a moment to ‘light a candle and seek to be of support’ energetically for the healing that needs to take place on many levels still from the time and turn of events on September 11th, 2001, 18 years ago.
Most people can remember where they were or the essence of how that day went for them in terms of grappling with the media coverage and realization that America was suffering, and not for clear reasons. What has happened since then could inform all Americans and people of other countries about the way things can play out ‘in broad daylight’ in a crowded city, but still be confusing and not clear even decades later.
The aftermath of 9/11 included more injuries, illness and death due to exposure or harm from 9/11 events in NYC.That number grew to many thousands people in Iraq suffering in the Iraq War and its aftermath. I will see what is online about the various aspects but hope to keep people concerned with recent reports from as well as from people like Steven Greer who interviewed many others over the years about their experiences and the science of explosives (both dynamite and thermonuclear devices which create higher heat to melt steel which jet fuel cannot do.)
The bigger the lie sometimes the more extensive the coverage even if the events happened on center stage.’ Keeping in mind that evidence can be ‘reported’ as real even if it isn’t and other facts can be denied or overlooked by the press are important guides. In additions ‘correlation does not mean causation’ and there can be other possibilities (such as a military plane joining closely below a jet liner yet appearing on radar as one place, then that would allow the commercial plane to exit the air space but still seem to be flying its original course as the military plane proceeded in that pathway.
A magic trick in the sky which has been practiced for years before 2001. On the other hand, clear consistent cell phone coverage from planes at those heights was not likely possible until 2004 since the cell phone towers and signalling was still being developed for such situations in 2001.
These are a few points I recall from watching many hours of talks from the youtube videos in the past few years, but which may not be easy to find now. An additional concern is in the post below about people being silenced or denied a right to share these resources and ideas for various reasons, some which may be paving the way toward eroding one’s freedom of speech and the collective rights of society in general to pursue even basic truths about math and science of physical evidence. Yet there are pathways in the judicial system to bring legal cases of concern to courts based on physical evidence.
That is what LCfor or com is doing (Lawyers Committee for 9/11). Architects and Engineers for 9/11, I believe are ethically bound to disclose falsehoods when they are shared publicly and endorsed by other professionals. We need to all want to do become more clear and involved in seeking truth and understanding what really has transpired in history so we can have the option to mend our ways, make reparations and seek a path of healing on many levels, both socially, financially and morally. That is likely the way our world evolves to higher ways of being, both energetically and practically.
One wise woman shared often with youth, “Nobody fools God.” In our lifetimes we really should have the insight that ‘doing the right thing’ may become much more complicated when those in control have the right and advantage to ‘rewrite history’ and create the present and future to serve clandestine or even criminal ends. The movie Blood Diamond which I happened to watch last night speaks to a similar challenge.
Just because diamonds could be obtained criminally does not mean they should be sold legitimately in the US or other advanced countries. There are greater efforts being made to assure diamonds that are on the market are ‘conflict free’. One basic way to make sure one doesn’t have such a shiny rock would be to not own one or wear one. I know that’s a bit extreme but it likely makes sense. The diamonds that exist could be repurposed in ways that the funds could go back to help those in Africa where the suffering was greatest. As people say, “We can’t take it with us” so returning stolen or ill-gotten goods would likley be a win-win on many levels. Even Thinking of doing so could likely spur more local and reasonable networks to assist people to live more amicably, with health and fairness as the riches sought.
For this post about housing, I wrote the following (then added the prior part about 9/11 concerns which could be a huge concern for more of the world if we but consider the possibilities and implications much as Steven Greer spells out.)
I got a timely email before the Houston Democratic Candidates for POTUS Debates tomorrow, Sept. 12th, 2019, on The Housing Trust and Addressing Housing Needs of many Americans. See this resource link they included for more information:
There is also going to be a ‘Tweet Storm’ from 3p-4p today, Sept. 11th, 2019 to get the candidates and questioners to highlight plans increasing The Housing Trust and sharing other plans to help formerly incarcerated people as well as low-income people with housing needs. Many people and parts of the country are feeling the housing squeeze, with predictions of ‘worsening conditions’ in terms of wider income disparity–the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
There are likely ideas on Transition Town, Drawdown and EF Schumacher Institute and possibly AIER, American Institute of Economic Research which would be helpful to factor in. Then there’s good ol’-fashioned caring for those in one’s circles and communiites with local efforts with faith, civic and business ventures joining together.
See what Construct does in the Great Barrington MA area to get inspired. The buildings that exist for low-income people also need serious investments to make them decent, functioning and safe (from lead paint and other chemicals.) All older buildings and pipes need timely improvements. For larger projects that can take years of planning and millions of dollars, so scale is important to keep in mind with appropriate oversight and accountability every step of the way.