Among novel ideas I heard between rich meals this past week was to breathe cool air, walk outdoors in the cold, and take (get ready for this one mentally) cold showers to boost one’s immune system and acclimate better to the cold. I heard of other versions of using cold from a few schools of thought in the past few years including taking ‘hot and cold intervals of a couple of minutes in a shower’ (ending with a cold rinse) which was a way to get ready for spring I think in the 5 element Chinese medicine protocol.

Mostly the idea was to scrub with a cloth the lymph glands under arms and breasts, but I have heard it’s important to figure out what order to do that in terms of promoting breast health–and I’ve heard conflicting theories–  and  then also on the groin  area. Just passing along the jist of what I’ve heard, so don’t take this as advice but consider doing some research and talking over the ideas with your medical professional and others skilled in the area.

Another idea I heard of can help stop a cold by taking a cool shower then wrapping up in a blanket every 15 min for an hour I think…There’s llikely plenty of such info online about ‘cold or cool water’ therapy. One other practice was to walk in about 5 inches of cold water in the mornings, back and forth in one’s bathtub to enhance circulation.

Okay so here’s to a Cool, Comfy, Healthy December 2019 and Beeyond! Look before your leap into any new practice and have support from skilled, capable people. Brave learning about your basic blood pressure, blood sugar levels and health measures and keeping a journal over time to see what helps you ‘taking tiny steps’ or implementing practices over time. That’s a bonus tip.

By the way it can be worthwhile to spend some time also checking out relationship ideas on (talk about a cool place in the the US, that’s in Minnesota but is one of the first places to hone in on safety, respect and setting clear boundaries in relationships, personal or otherwise.)

See Iris Benrubi for some affirming pointers about appropriate romantic relationships and honing insights about one’s own level of interest and ability to have a healthy, safe partnership. Again having some trusted friends and support people to gauge information and assess matters likely makes practical sense too. I have posts on this blog about Crafting Clear Safety PLANS and Check Lists for Chicks and Guys (early on the blog so go to the last posts and scroll through headlines, see what appeals.) Happy Configurating …and dating should you choose that path. Sri Chinmoy and many Buddhist traditions and other faiths assert the validity of being single as well whether for all or part of one’s life, particularly as one ages. Likely many more discussions and think tanks would benefit people of all ages to help each person understand their options for being in a relationship whether living with or near that person, farther away or travelling, keeping a positve regard whether being in touch via Skype, email, Facebook or other communications such as on group calls, moderated or personal calls, visits in groups or supervised settings or possibly alone in public places, in someone’s home or at events etc.

If people have strained family or friend or other social relationships, having support people for each person may be appropriate. If there are safety concerns those likely need to be considered well in advance of any planned outing (and they should be planned engagements with clear written guidelines.)

Those would be wise to have on country if not state’s website to help people anticipate which laws could be broken ‘by mistake’ or predictably if certain people interact or are legally not allowed to be in communication or at the same location and so on. If there are requirements for supervised time with someone (such as a parent spending time with a child due to safety concerns or to minimize conflict voluntarily) then the schools, families or other overseers could be informed well in advance. Most schools and faith groups as well as other social groups (Scouts and clubs, camps and sports groups for instance) likely have a copy of a custody plan or the highlights.

Those could voluntarily be available for every minor with contact people listed if there are needs for transportation or illness. Moreover every adult could have a contact person listed (maybe two etc) for a town social worker or other level of connection with the wider community to keep in touch voluntarily about any concerns (legal, financial, medical, social, etc.)

Facebook and small social networks may have that kind of continuity and practical contact, but for anyone who lives in an apartment, even in a co-op apartment setting for instance, there may not be contact person requested by the Board or Management Company. If someone is late in payment of rent, consequences may escalate financial with fines and legal matters.

Those kinds of issues could be avoided if a second person is allowed to be contacted (and ideally if people could be allowed to pay ahead a month or two, of if another agency could be contacted that may be able to expend funds if the person has an account set up for such matters or otherwise.) In many states advocates are fighting the ‘jail without bail’ laws for people who are not charged with a crime but face going to jail because they cannot make bail.

These kinds of stress and difficulty can impact one or more persons over one or a few episodes or days. Those developments can have unintended, unanticipated consequences. Suddenly a small matter can fuel a series of larger problems and growing fines and complications.

The stronger the network socially, legally and financially, the better. Having people from many disciplines, whether medical, social, logistical, financial,legal, housing, transportation, caregiving, work, school, civic and faith areas work together would likely keep many people out of complications and difficulties that could befall someone one illness or setback to the next.

Staying cool doesn’t need to be the rule, but may be the chosen path of more people once they warm up to the benefits. That can include respect for how to help their health, wealth, and social network be a win-win for themselves and others, with a sense of teamwork and collaboration for the greater good. R-E-S-P-E-C-T can go a long way to help everyone feel like a winner, summer or winter, as a youth or elder. Let’s play ball and have a ball doing just that in life. There’s room enough for everybuddy and time enough to slow down and smell the roses, winter, spring, summer and fall, as James would say.