is an inspiring way to start the month of December. I happened to open this at 10:20am on Monday, December 2nd, 2019. I’m inspired by the first few minutes so am sharing ‘hot off the press.’ Jarrad is on the healing team for our times I feel. I trust things are opening up for you in ways that allow for growth and healing, health and wealth on all levels, including good self-care and safe, balanced relationships and greater respect for all in one’s community, state, country and wider circles…

As Edgar Cayce shares, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ Check out his site as well. Jarrad highlights the December 12th (12/12) energy and will be doing a call that day. ‘Heralding the light of Orion….many healing energies, open heart and integration of arcturian energies… Seeing oneself in a new way and feeling more centered about making positive choices for creating a healthier, balanced self….’ Sounds rather amaze-sing….He speaks of it as a ‘harmonic homecoming and convergence’ which will run over a longer period of time…

I’m anticipating a lot of positive unfolding at that time with plans to go to the Big Apple Circus at Lincoln Center and get to the gathering with Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra. Those likely will give me tons of inspiration. Best to all to find things that enlighten and enrich their lives as well. I have enjoyed many gatherings (almost typed the healing creative life-giving element of gatherings where we are all getting ‘re-parented and re-affirmed for being who we are with a sense of our divinity and connection to others on that level.

That is an underlying theme in The Jewel Story by Catherine Palmer Paton, which is something I share on an audio and hope to keep glowing through December 2019 and beyond into 2020, a time of big hope and healing for our times and lands, people and possibilities on many levels. Enjoy the journey…and the jewel energy in your life and world! We are not alone but rather All One! With Lots of Love from Above !!