Hello to All, I’ve been surfing the web hoping to get to the Michael Neeley podcast program, but got also signed up for the Bob Proctor get wealthy mindset talk. While waiting for that I peeked at the FB Live ofย  Power Voice Summit. Lots of great ideas with everybuddy having lots of followers (like the one with Jeff Walker on his Launch summit too which I heard of as well from Ryan Levesque.) I’ve been on a binge of sorts with programs from Deb Poneman who networks with others and am signed up for summit with podcast folks including Michael Neeley at the end of the month.

That said, I did take time to get outside and enjoy the Turtle Garden see the TG Permaculture Game post on this Livfully.org blog and TG Circle of Friends. I think I wrote those for times like these. Now about monetizing my blog, any courses I develop (helping people undertand a way to solve a problem, reach a major goal or just get started on a journey of exploration with research, online FB groups and internships and more.ย ) If you’d like to pitch me a tip for this of any of the hundreds of other posts I appreciate donations of any size. Thanks in advance. Tips can be left at paypal.me/CathPalmPaton.

No reasons not just to Ask and Let folks know how to follow through if they come up with a “Heck, yeah,” or a ”With gratitude, Yes!” or a “Why not, giving can be as cool as receiving” or Why not , it can’t hurt to donate (something small or at least not breaking the invisible budget) or “Knowing she’s helped many, I may be helping many times more than I realize by pitching a few bucks or more her way.”

I have done that for dozens of people with time, talent and yes, treasure, incuding a few hundred dollars to homeless and needy people in New York when I was there for a few years. I have also promoted many worthy causes and encourage people to Get in the Game of Giving And Receiving with a kind word, encouragement, networking and sharing resources of all kinds as is safe, appropriate and reasonable with ‘due diligence’ (checking resources and references to see if what someone says can be backed up with evidence, written records, credit checks etc and hours of time with family, friends, co-workers, clubs and groups that Could give an informal reference if not a validating set of endorsements.)

The more people can help each other with ‘relationship capital’ or evidence of showing up for others and being a team player and walking their talk whether being a caregiver, getting to medical, dental or other appointments and support groups or online groups to learn and be voluntarily ‘held accountable’ for concerns and even maintain wellness.

That may be worth more than many counselors could tell you…and it’s key to know whether ‘relationship or couples counseling’ is appropriate bydoing competent screenings for abuse, intimate partner violence or abuse in a social or work relationship. If there is manipulation, threats, actual or concerning patterns or episodic times of difficulty then that person will not be entering into a system that will hold them accountable separately first and with proper oversight.

There could be best practices if not laws against encouraging women and others to engage with an abusive, narcissistic, sociopathic person. That kind of person is not stable or able to follow through on ‘good intentions’ or promises wtihout special help. To that extent people living with that person or otherwise interacting with them are ‘sitting ducks for harm or abuse, and being played’.

That includes any systems that do not have the proper way to assess the difficulty that person is likely to create, as a matter of course of the condition that s/he may not understand. As hard and judgemental as that sounds, it may be the best way to help more people not fall prey to the harm that person delivers, knowingly or worse, unknowingly. A pathological liar may not understand s/he is lying or is truly confused or a pro at covering up or lying to themselves, whether minimizing or having multiple personalities. That sounds harsh but I offer it as a way to help prevent downward spirals and difficulty that often turns dangerous. Victims may want to self-harm or even emulate and support the dysfunction as a way to cope and survive, even if not aware of that.

There is more research being done about children and victims of abusers. Let’s all lean into making the future more dynamic and positive for the underdogs and help them gain ground of assessments and safe ways to live, learn, love and listen to themselves and advocates who can support themselves. See DVSur5r.com and LundyBancroft.com. Ideally everyone could access assessment tools and support to understand their life situation.

Many people are being abused and mistreated or not supported even in their communities, states or countries, and do not realize that is inadequate and unsafe. That’s the edge that needs working, including whether one should be dating or involved with someone, married or having a child (planning to) with someone, whether one can have time away safely or other support people come into one’s life, home or at least online or by phone to monitor and understand the many factors and even social and family group one is part of over time and currently…and in the near future.

The idea would be to have a social and life assessment similar to having a physical and mental health physical and support from professionals and life coaches (for health and deeper understanding of one’s energy, spiritual and mental health outlook and skills.)

If you’d like to pitch me a tip for this of any of the hundreds of other posts I appreciate donations of any size. Thanks in advance. Tips can be left at paypal.me/CathPalmPaton. Thanks a bundle and let’s support each other even if not having interacted or considered doing that energetically before. Holding positive intentions and healing on all levels can be a great ROI, return on investment.

The good vibes and blessings can abound, small at first and more readily as the feelings and intentions are nurtured like a garden bearing beautiful flowers, robust vegetables and ripe fruits with nature and good energies applauding all along the way, day and night, near and far on earth and under the stars.

Gratitude is the attitude for oneself, the divine, others and the game of life with learning and love as guides that can guide one musically, creatively and kindly through one’s day and seasons of life. Try it, you’ll love it.! The diviine and angels will applaud you and open doors along the way as well… The gate is ajar, time to step through it with all the good company of others energetically holding your hand and welcoming you to the party!