Women Rising Series
We are talking with an incredible range of women on an amazing range of real issues. Bringing inspiration and magic! Join us weekly for this series!
This week join us with Miranda Clendening, Rachel Morrison, Robyn Davis, Ondrea Lynn, Danielle E Molella, Karen Palmer, Debbie Garcia as we tackle issues in these hard times with COVID-19 lockdowns and shut-downs, protests, divisions, and how to keep the faith and love and unify as much as possible
In terms of other programs, check out Wow! Forum held virtually for the first time in Torrington CT. I’ve enjoyed the event about five times since its inception about 15 years ago.
I was on a WomensWisdom.com for business women (even if on a lull) or thinking about it that I heard of from Deb Poneman. They have a special to join at a reduced rate and then about 10/monthly for group calls nationally and then some. Rather cool.
Lots of tips being shared from many people. See what WOT, Walking Our Talk offers in the Great Barrington MA area and again some online. Toastmasters.org is great to know about…
One tip from Unify speaker now is to take 3 deep ocean breaths. (breathe in and then out with swish sound through the mouth..).. and saying “STOP”– ‘Self Take Over Please” if feeling anxious, scared, overwhelmed, angry etc)… Explore even with one’s hand on one’s heart to tune in and SIFT through any emotions or situations with assessment (Allow one to feel separate and consider response)–sensations (identify where and what you are feeling and ask what is that a message for or a gift to warn you about not being centered, so do the STOP again), images (envision something positive to change your mindset, do a reset), feelings (identify how you’d like to feel and WAIT, What Am I Thinking? Do you want more of that feeling or cool it and drop it…and reverse that with what you DO want not what you don’t. then do Thinking (with thanks and consideration.) RAIN-(not sure of exact code..
Respond (how did I let someone mistreat me, how was I not aware, don’t let myself take it personally, assess safety on many levels whether episodic or a pattern. Pull out the truth of yourself in that moment..)
Next speaker is covering the “Yoga of Eating”… eat what you want but choose to make the right decisions…( consider the multi-dimensional diet of our experience and how we process things, including info and relationships etc… how we digest and use what we take in. Choose through attunement what our deep soul desires are over time. Dr Zach Bush, biome, viruses and more are covered. We have ten to the 31st kind of viruses that factor into our biology and ecology. We need to be in balance with those to be healthy and evolve.
Consider the Emotional Ecology we have. The tenderness and trauma is part of each of us. We can be aware of what’s what and learn our emotional terrain, consider them pillars. Genetic codes help us evolve into our next form, but important to appreciate how we’re made and function. Triggers for trauma can provide info and even nurture our truth and guide our paths. Understanding our nature and help us use that for our healing and evolution. Okay I’ll post and wish everyone well…