Check out the websites of and which is run by Judy Satori. Also Jarrad Hewett and many others such as on speak of the portals and uplifting energies of these times…so ‘don’t miss it’ is their message.

I wrote to  CT’s The Lakeville Journal mid Monday Morning to meet the 10 am due date time, but am finding out plenty online so am happy I put the site in the letter.

Like a ‘message in a bottle’ this blog goes out over the cyberspace and gets seen by many people and likely plenty of what? Maybe google and the likes are counting how many times and types of ideas if not names and places are mentioned and it helps create more buzz for the good stuff.

See what Patti Sinclair braved sharing about a cool new book Sober Curious by Ruby Warrington, about making peace within and realizing the ads of alcoholism have likely duped our nation if not world.

That’s my summary based on some of what I read on Patti’s site. Good luck tuning into the healing feelings and finding a tribe or even online resources, support lines and groups and hopefully a friend if not sponsor to join you in your joyful journeys (uphill and down as many a hiker knows is how mountains are traversed…)

Thanks for all in my circles and for all encouraging the next guy in their area…We’re all doing ‘the best we can at the time’…and likely there’s always room for improvement so no need to get bored. Best to all to find a little magic and meaning as our country is gearing up for wisdom and adventures in the political realms.

See the other posts and let the sages guide us in these times..and live more in tune with our inner love and greater caring for each and every part of humanity. Our very survival may depend on it…or we may end up in the deep end… HugEnergy All Around and Here’s to the great offerings coming our way and helping one another ‘get to where were going with style and smile’.

That’s a tribute too to the amazing legacy and life of CT’s Denise D’Ascenzo…A voice for women, the people, families and four-leggeds and all she reported on. I was sharing with some in my circles that her passing reminded me of when Natasha Richardson succumbed to something suddenly.

As the wife of Liam Neeson and the mother of their two young sons, I felt the reality of their precious lives off camera. In ways I didn’t understand, I was feeling connected to that turn of events, and learned that they had a home about an hour from where I lived, and halfway to where I went to college in NY. I never thought I’d be able to meet them or find a way to help.

But then I realized when our teen son Kaelan Palmer  Paton  had his life end during a time of struggle to save his friend from drowning that I was being cast in that role along with my family and friends as ‘survivors of that kind of tragic unexpected loss.’ Looking up  more information now, I realize that Natasha was born May 11th, 1963 just a few days before me. She died March 18th, 2009 from traumatic brain injury incurred from a fall in Montreal when skiing. Kaelan liked snowboarding and I did get to go to Montreal with friends so our circles may have crossed in a more pleasant way. I’m sure Denise D’Ascenzo’s passing will resonate with many people for years to come and help people cope as well with challenges.

With Kaelan’s passing, it could have been something more medical or typical, but it just so happened, our son’s picture was on the nightly news..and more than once as it was difficult to understand what had happened exactly and then his body didn’t surface for a week.

So a week later, more reports were in the paper about the chance sighting and the valiant recovery effort made by volunteers, many who had helped saved the friend Kaelan had tried to help after rescuing two of his friends closer to shore.

Sadly this month, two teens from Watertown CT were lost to gun violence by the man involved with their mother. The adults were having a conflict about the man, a convict who should not have had a gun, smoking in the home. He shot both teens who died later and also died from a self-inflicted gunshot.

That was on the heels of the violent loss of a mother, Christine Holloway, of a young girl who has been missing. Prayers  and leads are still needed to help find Vanessa Morales, only a year old. Hopefully everyone can feel more aware of self-care and advocacy for more services to assist people with safety and reasonable precautions.