A tragic loss of a wonderful architect happened today. Erica Tishman, age 60, a wife and mother of three, got hit by part of a falling building by chance mid-morning today, December 17th, 2019.

I signed the remembrance book online and feel concerned for her loss and the danger of the buildings that comprise the city, both those known to be deficient (as that one had been identified as in need of repair months ago and should have had an exterior sign stating caution or walk on the other side of the road or have a protected walkway put in place as exist in many areas, sometimes for years when  high risk of danger is identified.

We know that we are mortal and cannot ‘see all troubles coming our way.’ That amazing woman, Erica Tishman, and her family are now in the hearts of all hearing of her final moments on this incredible planet in one of the most miraculous places in the world and United States, Times Square in NYC.

Last night, Monday, December 16th, 2019 at 7:30pm at the Society for Ethical Culture on the upper West Side not far from Columbus Circle, Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra spoke to a focused, hopeful audience of hundreds of supporters. The livestream of the moving, enlightening speech Marianne eloquently delivered with compassion and personal stories is still available through December 18th, 2019. I took extensive notes and will include more soon.

Primarily, Deepak spoke for ten minutes about the next ten years (or even seven) as being critical not only for our country but for our world to respond to climate change calamities and the current political situation of ‘gangsters and thugs’ being bought by lobbyists and serving their own interests.

Marianne Williamson strongly asserts that the broken political system that allowed for slavery, women not being able to vote or for minorities to have civil rights. The people rose up at each critical point and put pressure on the system to bring equal rights and representation (at least in the Constitution and in basic laws) to all adults.

She reminded people that they know a lot yet need to own the playing field. She conveyed that the country needed to Transform to get a different political process.

She asserts that Donald Trump is the horrible outplaying of failing forces for forty years. That was the start of ‘trickle down economics’ which supposedly would allow for business to make money and ‘trickle down’ wealth via jobs. But that hasn’t happened.

Once people can join in her vision and a deeper understanding of root causes, then people can see that ‘an honest look in the mirror and take a moral and life journey inventory.’ Corporations via Citizens United can pour money into voting and directing elections and more. She asserts we need publicly funded elections and a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United.

She has worked with thousands of people, spurring on meaningful personal inquiry about the ‘reality of shortcomings and self-focus’.  We as Americans need to learn to care about our collective journey and recovery. She wants us to ‘kick ass while we are here’ as older people so youth can have an incredible future.

There wasn’t time to ‘recharge one’s brain’ before she gave a lesson in American history wherein the Boston Team Party happened (on that day  December 16th in 1773.) In 1776, The Declaration of Independence cut ties with the aristocracy of England which allowed only those ruling to own property and make laws. There was work to do in setting up a meaningful democracy and way to defend the rights in case the government became corrupt or inept.

She then painted the picture of how complex our American history was with the ills and overcoming of ills. From slavery to freedom, from women not being able to vote to gaining the vote (100 years ago I’ll add), and from segregation laws to civil rights laws. From the repudiation of aristocracy and only a few people can win and rule of the past to only land with a modern  ‘corporate aristocracy’, we need to cut ties again to the ongoing support and power given to the self-interests of corporations.

Marianne Williamson described the tragedy of addiction a couple of times as an example of what our society is intoxicated, bleeding the people  and earth dry financially and morally in its political dealings. The political establishment is ‘stuck in the 20th century mindset’ almost before the internet and way of looking at the reality and complexity of matters creatively and to the goals of healing and creating more wealth for regular people. She proposed taxation for the ultra wealthy (3% on billionaires) We need to trim the defense budget in terms of the extreme ‘defense contractor budgets’ above the military funds.

She gave a serious assessment that we need two decades to turn our culture and government around. An economic system can be  sociopathic kind of capitalism (a runaway train without a conscience.) She asserts we need six pillars of reform. We need economic justice, 93 million people living in chronic poverty with tension and worry about how to cope if someone in their family gets sick or stuck in college loans. The mental health crisis comes from the government ‘driving everybody crazy.’  13 million hungry children, 100K homeless children, millions of children in school are in deficient schools. Without learning to read by age 8 there is greater risk for going to jail.

We need to invest in children, enrich the resources of youth so they can create competent futures. We need to stop the immoral The practice of basing the funding of schools on property taxes. We need to look real and deep. Facing that children cannot vote and that their parents may not be running to the polls due to their own stress and disconnect from hope.

She would create a Department of Peace and one of Children. We need to see more health initiatives to prevent sickness. We could reward safe environmental standards (land, air and water, food.) We could provide more natural healing. The corrupt politicians Are the root cause of many ills that befall people, and therefore that’s why they don’t want to look for the root cause and stand up to chemical and corporate agendas and profit-mongering.

She took questions and let people get photos with her as well. Overall it was an amazing evening..and before we face the odds of our country crumbling (bridges, wild fires, buildings or schools…including safety concerns where thousands of children are injuried or killed by gun violence I noticed online today.)

Let’s live as safely, respectfully and concertedly as possible to re-imagine America. Why Not? We need to want peace and not create more conflicts or militarize space (Space Force which got funded recently..) We need to Wake Up and Watch out for our major goals and how to achieve them for success for our society not just a few who have already created much harm to the demise of humanity and the planet.

USAID and Peace Building can create much better outcomes for people. Lots more to share..but I need to cash in some sleep. All the best and be sure to take a rest…so ready for the Next New Day of Great Possibilities, Great Love and Peace!