With plenty of pleasant routines in the tri-corne of CT after primarily being in Brooklyn for the past few years, I thought I’d seen most of the world that I wanted to see. I did my one big trek around the US 35 years ago… for a few months, seeing family, friends, national parks and lots of the highway. Even a plane ride, a drive up the California coast after the Grand Canyon and meeting a lot of family in the NM area.

I have had some time to think about that lovely venture and be grateful that it came at a time when I had felt the difficult loss of a friend at Vassar whose life ended in a difficult manner. What was the point of working so hard in college or as young adult if some were facing despairing or difficulties that seemed insurmountable.

Another friend had become highly disabled due to a car accident…and a few other big tragedies that rocked my concept of a secure predictable world (and often many other’s as well) were making it look ever more challenging to become an adult. After getting one’s license to drive in rural CT and Interstate 95 (as well are Route 8 which intersected with 95 in Bridgeport so required paying attention to which lane and exit one would take) and getting into a good college, how much more could there be to having a good life?

With a little time to reflect now before the trip, I realize it wasn’t just me…the world was simpler and everyone had to do a lot more for themselves. Now with the computers and help in every part of life (for those who can afford it but also plenty of DIY, Do-It-Yourself encouragement, MeetUps and more ways to learn and interact, the world is tamer in many ways. Plus So Many More people have done the things that seemed daunting or too much work to keep up with.

I’ve gotten familiar with Facebook and the pros and cons of what that means. Likely more people would be content to have a nice group email chain which some enjoy keeping in touch with family or close friends. We’re still sorting ourselves out but really the computers are working overtime not only ‘giving us options’ but guiding many of our choices.

Then there is a lot more talk nowadays about feeling, healing, hearing and helping one another in gentel effective ways. There’s even more common sense and sharing about eating and ‘taking care of business’ whether building more public lavortories in cities to being prepared with adult supplies of all kinds. Basically everyone can laugh or relate to just about everything else.

And Yet there are ‘troubles still a comin’ our way’ With climate change, political and financial dire forecasts for most of the world while a proverbial handful of people ‘live it up and make all the decisions.’ It’s hard to see from a normal person’s perspective but piecing information together and seeing things play out in countries and situations, well, more people are joining in the decision-making venues best they can. I have hopes that we are ‘evolving with love’ (and with help from above) and have heard that from many with decades of skills with meditation and other ways of seeing life beyond the visible world, the surface of people and even the realm of the world and climate

. Many hold out that This is An Incredible Time in History and Herstory ( let’s try calling it Ourstory) as well as on the earth. Here’s to the Super Team of Humanity and Huwomanity (and all variations thereof.) I have created lists to acknowledge the many team players (people at various stages and ages of life, from egg or sperm to when they are joined and on up timewise and of course once a person is born and growns in earth time.)

I have also mapped out the human body (with simple codes to help people from around the world have a common reference for all parts whether fingers or kidneys. There are even markers of energy points and centers. Okay need to get packing..and wishing all well for a Super February and beyond!