This post is the first I’ve had time to do on my computer where my fingers can readily jot down what I’m hoping to convey (and letting ‘come through’ given what I’m doing as well as hearing on the news and from people around me.) Since I travelled to Hawaii on February 3rd, 2020 (The Big Island called Hawaii as I was quick to learn) after a short jaunt through the airport in Oahu a few days before that became a ‘point of concern’ due to a Japanese couple being there February 7th, 2020 who were later quarantined in Japan once they returned and had concerns of exposure to the Corona virus.
As I shared with a friend now back in rural CT, what are the odds that a person from one of the smallest towns in CT would be in the airport in Oahu so close to the time of concern….and I was only there because my inital flight on American Airlines was not on time to allow me to make my next connection. Since I booked through a third party, I was concerned whether American Airlines would honor giving me the next flight out so I could use my air bnb and car I had rented in advance rather than try to find some place to stay in Phoenix AZ. Even though I raced around the lovely but plenty long Phoenix airport trying to get the flight they thankfully were able to issue me at no extra charge, that meant going to Oahu first before finally touching down in Kona Hawaii.
The program I went to enjoy there for fiive days was with a half dozen women (one who had a cold and likely should have taken more precautions but luckily nothing came of that for the rest of us as far as I know.) That was in Hilo on ‘the other side of the island.’ I felt happy to have watched my share of Gilligan’s Island and be from a rural environment so I could adjust easily to the laid back mindest of most in Hawaii, even though the traffic on the main roads merited by latest greatest driving skills to drive on unfamiliar roads.
After getting off the plane in Kona around 8pm (having started off in NYC, at JFK at 7am) I was ready to get the car, get to my air BnB and get to sleep. Thankfully the rental car place (Dollar Rent A Car) had a shuttle van (though I was the only one on it and as a woman was thinking…. this would be better with another person on it. Maybe they could have women ride on such shuttles at night to provide a more secure sense of things socially and even practically should another driver be needed.
The first ten days were in Hawaii (with a day in Kona at the start and two at the end, staying in a Hostel near the beach for 50 dollars, so a great deal even though it was in a women’s dorm room…and I got the top bunk for a tip-top experience. Thankfully there was a safety bar so I felt at ease.)
My whole trip ran a month…10 days in Hawaii then a few weeks in Arizona and New Mexico. A quick shout out to all who made the journey a real gem of an experience… beautiful people, welcoming homes and airbnb’s, friendly people in my group adventures and many wonderful surprises and memorable savory dining experiences (plenty of casual ones on patios or in humble homes pot luck snacking but other nice outings with the group, ‘friends I hadn’t met yet’ and even larger gatherings such as with a Women’s Relief Society in New Mexico with over hundred women (likely about 200) and about 300 at a Volunteer Appreciation dinner in Farmington NM. Good thing that was Last Month (February 2020!)
When we’ve said March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, the news, tragic illness and passing of many due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) is giving that a whole new miserable meaning..with the roar being groans and discouraging news about many programs, schools, and events Co-X’d (Cancelled due to the Corona Virus Concerns.)
As many have heard the risk of being exposed and carrying the virus without presenting symptoms is a great ‘under the radar concern’ that now is being better understood as a possibility. Many people, including myself, likely thought ‘how bad can a cold be?”
I had someone sit with me for ten minutes and make many points about the concerns to practice good hygiene (stay healthy and wash hands including between fingers and under nails and up to one’s elbows for 30 seconds or more, so singing Happy Birthday Twice (#HB2x) to map out the time. Maybe clock timers could be put by sinks or music played in thirty second intervals..with a special drum beat overlaid to help keep track of the time one is scrubbing up at the sink. I recall pushing this idea to help with hygience after disasters or to prevent illness in third world countries with our Hope for Haiti outreach via The Sharon Congregational Church. We’d draw posters with bubbles and clocks showing thirty seconds, make up rhymes and such… We could share Wash with Bubbles to stay out of Troubles…for instance.
So back to my lovely trip, I will share more soon, but appreciate the opportunity that came my way and which I welcomed support for (and still have to pay some of the fees so still welcome contributiions for the travel costs and to show support for this blog which I’ve shared freely for many years and plan to continue doing so. Thanks for donations of any size to My deepest appreciation is extended to all who have enjoyed this blog and other sharing I have engaged in, often enriching what I can share here on the blog.
The idea of ‘Quantum Entanglement’ or everyone counts, matters and affects others and the greater experience is one explored by many, including Gregg Braden. He has a new book coming out I hope to read and again a lot online. Some live events can be seen on livestream via which again may be an important way for more people to stay connected. Even for small groups, families and faith groups zoom meetings and the like as well may prove helpful. Hopefully everybuddy is taking time to write down basics in a notebook including their name, address, birth date and lots of other important information along with basic routines and people to contact for more help or to check on accordingly.
Stay tuned for more sharing of information and highlights from the past month when it was relatively safe to be out and about, spreading good will and making connections with wonderful people of all ages from beaches to mountains, senior centers to fitness centers (some have both in the same spot along with luncheons), faith and healing talks and gatherings such as Gregg Braden’s in Sedona with a few hundred folks. The ideas from, and HeartMath Experience (a good film to watch that is now on could prove helpful at times of stress and to help people stay focused on positive feelings which help boost the immune system and keep one’s mind more at ease. I used for the past month and feel it was helpful as well.