Very sad to hear that the Great Barrier Reef is in big trouble. The following is from an email from so see if you can donate in their direction or help spread the word to encourage others to join forces (and funds) to make a difference while there’s still time to do so! While it’s the time of spiritual focus and renewal, we need to help heal the world and all her creatures. Thanks for all everyone does locally..and globally. Best to all and let’s journey on with courage and growing inspiration!

“Terrible news for our oceans. Earlier this week it was reported that the iconic Great Barrier Reef has just experienced its most widespread coral bleaching event on record, marking the third mass bleaching for the reef in the last five years. This latest bleaching event has devastated 60% of the Great Barrier Reef’s remaining corals, leaving an uncertain future for the ecosystem which is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world.

Fossil fuel-driven climate change is threatening our beautiful oceans, and the many communities and tourism workers that depend on healthy coral reefs for their livelihoods — most of whom are already at risk from the COVID-19 outbreak.

Now more than ever, we need real solutions to address the climate crisis — and the vital work of Greenpeace’s Climate and Oceans campaigns are paramount to prevent horrifying ecosystem-changing events like the coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef. You can help support our efforts to protect the planet and ensure the health of our ocean ecosystems with a gift to Greenpeace today.

The Great Barrier Reef is an ancient living wonder and has adapted over hundreds of thousands of years to its delicate environment. But when the ocean becomes too warm, corals expel the life-giving algae living in their tissues, causing the coral to turn a ghostly white or “bleached.”Repeated, widespread coral bleaching events like these are a warning sign that the climate is changing rapidly, and that we’re racing towards dangerous tipping points that we cannot afford to ignore.