Veryonique de Rugy of’s newsletter shared disturbing facts about the spending and focus of CDC over the past decade…with funds that grew for instance from 8.3Billion dollars in 2004 to 11.1Billion dollars in 2018.
Of that curiously I noticed the article mentioned a number reminiscent of the the date 5/14 (which happens to be the birthdate of Mark Zuckerburg of FB and echoes the Israel being declared the homeland of the Jewish people in 1948…and my birthdate as well which in this context isn’t so great even though I have touted my horn about what a fortunate warm time of year it was to be born…as a tenth child no less).
But in this case $514 Million is what the CDC spent on the Ebola response, yet only 5% of the CDC 2018 amount, about $250 Million on COVID19. By comparison, the CDC poured out $180 Million on Environmental health, $270 M on injury prevention and $330 Million on Occupational health. One Billion dollars was spent on chronic disease programs to address such as smoking, alcohol use and poor diets.
Other key points covered in the article review that the Centers of Disease Control (CCDC) should have been much better at preventing matters, with better earlier guidance, simple testing and even more. Thanks for all you are taking time to consider. I am doing more outreach here on my blog in these times, knowing much is changing yet the core values of staying positive and keeping in touch can be real life rafts as can many types of folks and small steps toward keeping up with the basics..and venturing towards one’s dreams, much like singer songwriter Kala Farnham does.
See her site and you are welcome as well to put something in my tip jar to help this blog along… at Thanks to all stretching themselves and working to help others as you can. Lots of ideas on this post with a heads up that a lot is online so think of venturing into a shopify or offering a course or more. I’m venturing in that direction, so let’s see what step at a time!