Having seen this video part of me is grateful that such a huge percentage of Americans is taking the choice to vote seriously. Now What? I will have to see if they are giving any results whatsoever, or what independent polls indicate… That could mean Biden and Harris coming in strong or that could be wrong. So stay tuned and let’s find ways to map our ways for each person to have a team of support to manage through this month and the future whatever age and stage of life they are in.

There are many in need legitimately and many more ‘about to be in need…’ Likely alliances could be formed locally and online to help everyone feel acknowledged, recognized for their efforts and opinions, ideas and sense of fair team playing. All the basics are counting like never before and our future collectively is in the mix.

See other posts on this blog for Inspiration for Our Nation and Every Other Country too… People are magical beings…that’s not ‘magical thinking that doesn’t go anywhere’ more like profoundly influential beings due to our thoughts, intentions and actions…

So let’s get behind a Big Love, Hope and TrUSt wave to help all people feel valued and included from this day forward whatever the election results…Humanity is powerful, caring and creative, particularly with women and youth leading the way and more men applauding efforts to make the most of this time as team players which can take the pressure off of a few leading the way and taking control of the world’s resources and keeping humanity walking on pins and needles (and addicted to sugar, soda, booze,  unhealthy food, and drugs etc…)

Most people want to be healthy so they can do things, think straight and get a good night’s sleep…so working toward that along with having a few friends and many supports to allow life to proceed in a sensible way can help more people really enjoy living life and feel ready to help others along the way. Let’s get ready to make that happen best we can no matter the election outcome.