National and global homes and hearts
You and All in a living web do your parts
Magical Mothers, Friendly Fathers, Generous Generations,
Awesome Adults, Super Sisters and Brothers
Celebrate Community and
Trustworthy Teamwork by
Helping Each Other
Outside and In, to Listen and
Understand Each Other
Smile and Win, Growing from
To Trusty
Networking to
Include and Support Wider
Circles of Family and Communities with
Feelings of Goodwill
Relationships Based on Respect
Improving Health and Well-Being through
Education and Action, Meeting
Needs for Food, Shelter, Safety and Basics
Desired for All by Moderately Working, Living
Sharing and Caring Daily for Oneself and Others
Acorns to Trusty Oaks Team Outreach and Friends United Network, (A-2020 FUN) promotes ideas for growing together in wisdom, kindness, health, talent, safety, friendship and community in the tri-state region of NY-MA-CT and beyond in our countries, states, cities and towns, homes, schools, workplaces, on the roads and in our own hearts as well.
P.S. Thanks for doing your part in caring for yourself, others, and the world in your own special way. Making the world a friendlier place is something everyone can pitch in towards with thoughts, ideas, words, deeds and donations to secure basics for more people and enrich our lives as well.
Together we can be part of an ocean of wise, loving, peaceful change today and in the future. Let peace and health be every person’s birthright and experience for the greater good.
As one acorn full of potential says, “Keep going and keep growing in health and happiness!” Please note: To clarify, A-2020 FUN is Not Sponsored by any school, town or organization which may distribute or post flyers. A-2020 FUN is an independent effort. Contact or call coordinator Catherine Palmer Paton at 860-626-5199.