The wheels of change are starting to turn but it’s a bigger uphill journey than most realize..and bridging gaps among many people and systems could take a decade or so, but it’s a challenge we have to muster the courage to take on.
A second grassroots community coalition action meeting was held in the MA/NY CT tricorner area for people to learn abouut the scope of opiate abuse (which often starts with a prescription for opiates for pain that can readily lead to an overdependence, abuse and addiction.
Instead of getting prescribed drugs or a program to guide one to taper off use, many people from all walks of life turn to the cheaper (less costly by far) street drugs such as heroin which can be smoked or used with a needle.
Prevention from infancy on (pregnant moms having safe, healthy support and places to live even in our small towns would be a godsend..and yes, free childcare not unlike public education..then our school dollars would go further and fewer kids would be lured into the cool-drug/paiin-numbing trap.
Ideally they’d have too much support and dreams to pursue that require sobriety. We could set a higher standard and encourage all who have had chronic or serious (even short-term) violent or largely disturbing episodes with or without drugs to ‘choose a lifestyle that guards against putting others or even themselves in danger’.
That would mean working with nature not people or animals (if there’s a risk for outbursts, serious mood swings or violence).
They can learn and train to help other adults who would not be at risk for harm (likely mostly other men since most women are unfortunately not well versed in what they are at risk for by being in unstable situations particularly if there are males with risky behaviors…).
Well, that means more single-sex groups for recovery and for preventive measures as well..small groups of women supporting each other and being accountable through the early school and college or early twenties makes sense to Prevent Harm.
If males between 15-25 are at high risk to use drugs (all types including opiates/heroin which can be a one-time and you’re and addict or doing damage to oneself and likely others) then it’s time to ‘group up for safety’. Learning to leave people, places and even jobs if there are too many risk factors (whether a victim or a perpetrator of violence, control tactics and substance use/abuse) can take a long time.
Punitive parenting has been linked to opiate use whereas permissive parenting has been linked to pot use. more parents need to be informed of the limites of ther parentng rights and choices. Again, parent education during pregnancy, and seeing more videos and real children in care and home settings would build competencies and help break unhealthy cycles.
Around small towns, there are often few choices, so people may feel they have No Choice But To Leave. ..and not come back (to surroundings and social scenes that were part of one’s demise or danger level…at least new bodyguards and safety groups would have to be in place.
Yet even mental health clubhouses and counselors could do more to teach members and the public about the laws they need to abide by for communication (no yelling, threats, put-downs, etc) and behavior( no breaking things, throwing objects, hurting others or oneself), including domestic abuse laws, custody of minors and more.That’s sad but a growing trend. Then there are plenty of social groups which only allow their own kind in..and quietly deem others invisible.
We are trying in stop and start measures to figure things out in private and in public..yet even that is sometimes taboo (brings down real estate values if crime is on the rise.) Well, there are many alternative healing modalities worth learning about and as the problems tend to spill out from one town and state to the next, more of the soul-utions can arise.
Likely it will mean more attention to not only What we say but HOW we say it..and more could be done with help from programs like NVC (Non-violent communication) and] and many others I list on] which people can also use to share ideas anonymously.
Thanks to all going to events to learn and affect change for themselves and others. There is a group open to families (though I don’t know the cost or terms) at High Watch for families to learn about alcoholism and other addictions even before a qualifier agrees to go (if ever).
These are FAMILY System Issues and diseases (as are many forms of family abuse even if one member is a primary victim.) Thanks for all the professionals sharing in honest, informative ways also. The conflicting tactics (law vs medical intervention) likely needs some thorough review as do police responses.
Calling ‘men with guns’ who have been trained in specific ways to keep the peace (and Protect themselves regardless of someone’s mental health or drugged condition even if some areas try to assess for the that more strategically and use non-lethal force if possible in those cases).
Well, I’ll put this on my blog to help others in cyberspace consider these challenges many have tried to give voice to..It all adds up to breaking the denial in part. Stay tuned into your social circles and reality.
One study of killings in Chicago saw a link among who knew whom as an indicator of risk for harm more than geographic areas, even if some were known as ‘high crime ‘ areas medical intervention) likely needs some thorough review as do police responses.
On a more positive note, see forums online that address health such as Mbodied by Katherine Miller, healing frequencies such as on, and connection with the divine whatever your faith and consider ideas from which offers daily inspiration. Many traditions around the world consider we have a spiritual existence as well as a physical one, and that life goes on beyond this realm for each of us. Particularly key are the connections we make in this life (according to some like Rudolf Steiner, while others say we can connect readily with anyone. Many people of a variety of faiths believe various aspects of spiritual possibilities beyond the mortal realm.
More on this in another post, but consider the realms of dreams, intuition, childhood and stories. Allow for healing thoughts and feelings to loosen the gripping fear and anger which too often is more of a reaction rather than a considered open-hearted response of acceptance or journey stance of our collective life experience. We can find strength and healing with a sense of a greater, invincible love. Yes the kind spoken of in many traditions that we are but children of the earth and/or a divine loving being.
Not an easy concept in our modern world, and not one that directs us to truly pull together as a civic duty, but more people and programs are seeking such a path due to dire circumstances from drug epidemics and medical woes to climate change and political unrest. We need to feel we are networked in meaningful ways since ‘no one person or even group or people’ can seem for find the forum to fix things or put together a clear action plan. Super PACS may be the exception (along with militant groups in any country) but they are in the minority.