Sat, 03/04/2017 – 12:49

Sitting at a computer reflecting on the news headlines in our local papers in CT, The Lakeville Journal and The Republican-American out of Waterbury CT, there were shocking headlines about how many students are Not Passing one or more classes.

That was a catalyst for about ten letters and two main articles about the new schedule proposal at HVRHS (Housatonic Valley Regional High School) in Falls Village CT.)  With shrinking populations in many smaller towns in the MA/NY CT area, every ‘sector of the community’ is under scrutiny to see what is needed to help them succeed at whatever age and stage of life they are enjoying or facing. For a few decades I have encouraged local schools and asked state representatives (including Gubernatorial candidates such as Dan Malloy) about how we could invest in supporting early childhood and even maternal experiences so we would have better outcomes with helping students succeed in the early years of schooling. How students due in the early years (Pre-K through 2nd grade) can put them on a trajectory of future success or failure often times, with those who do well early doing better in successiver grades and those struggling never quite catching up or even having a downward spiral of educational reports.

The passing with a good grade standard is different from being moved along to keep the peace or save money strategies that can leave many older students having to ‘fake it to make it’, cheat, fail, drop out or land in jail if they cannot secure a job or way to make ends meet with support from family and friends. In the last decade when realizing how early school starts and how many programs are offered, I have thought of ways to help people Slow Down and Do Less so they could catch up on many fronts.

These may include having weekends  supplemental programs either at the schools (even the elementary schools for instance) run by recreational or other groups from an area. Sports, arts and theatre programs often get nurtured in such ways. In the case of the regional program, perhaps a group of twenty gals could stay at some host homes one weekend, and twenty guys could be hosted another weekend to actually ‘stay in Falls Village and not have to drive for a weekend. There are parts of Cornwall and Salisbury or Lakeville that are within walking or biking distance as well.

The community of Falls Village could become an extension of the classrooms and people could line up programs at the library (which often has to raise funds to stay open) and even the one church left in town might be open to hosting some events (and again hopefully get some rent monies to help them stay afloat.) The Daycare could possibly be used for its space or programs to encourage early childhood studies and the new recreation facility in the warmed months could be used to Teach Everyone How to Swim (June-September) with special programs in mind for the high school students.

That venue could also serve as a gathering place for weekend programs and perhaps teachers and others would set up camps and outdoor class rooms so students could experience a wide array of skills (Native American teachings, old life skills, permaculture and of course some outdoor recreation, folk singing and maybe even some rock and roll along with the 3Rs and First Aid and CPR, driving and dating and life skills.) It used to be a joke that the pool at Housy was on the third floor but now we actually have one close by.

Of course there is a swim team that gets to train at Hotchkiss for serious swimmers and maybe a new wave of recreational life activities can be encouraged for fitness and wellness. I hoped there would be a dance studio and with The Center on Main and the upstairs of the Town Hall still possible spaces, that too could work nicely. Some schools such as Cornwall are looking at having to ship their students out of town with likely the grade school in Falls Village not far behind due to dwindling numbers. More people could think of ways to recruit visitors, interns and longer term residents to be in the community, possibly with homeschooling if paying tuition or maintaining residency is too high of a hurdle for many to scale.

Depending on what each state is mandating (such as in CT having towns pay 1/3rd of teachers’ pensions) then more serious flexible schooling options likely will be needed. See more ideas on for reforming a society with more work and care exchanges, growing food locally and focusing on health rather than only addressing sickness at the show of symptoms where it’s often ‘too little too late’ and not in a timely fashion. Sounds a bit like the education dilemma we are seeing ALL OVER THE COUNTRY in far too many schools and areas. In CT the gap between rich and poor schools is linked to the amount of money poured into the educational systems. Yet even in a wealthy school of a couple thousand whether in New Haven or in Fairfield CT while many did well in top classes, maybe half the class I will guess, plenty did not do so well academically back in the 1980s. This trend has been steady with many programs. Why not get more people Thinking About this Issue and Providing an Array of Support from Many Sectors of Society. A little motivation can go a long way.

The other big news story was about a 25 year old man who was passing someone or passed a police cruiser (which may have been on the side watching traffic, I need the details again.) With three other passengers in the car, he accelerated and ended up crashing, losing his life and that of young woman. The other two survived with minor injuries. That pass was his last and his friends had to suffer the consequences. I know of others who have lost a friend or child along those lines. We could all SLOW DOWN when it comes to driving in small towns and even when it’s Just Not Necessary. Humans are drving vehicles and many (expecially Men but also some women who often are running about to help others or get more done after work etc.) With kids in the car, make that a Double in terms of stop risky driving and so forth. Need to post since library hour is up. Ciao and peace!

Hello from Livfully in the Comments (see how I talk to myself sometimes outloud and even online/) This was to my fam and friends but thought I’d save time and repost here since there is a free day, 3-5-17 for listening which there often is just when you thought you missed the last session of one of those online events. Also there is a great VRDT (Vasar Repertory Dance Theatre)  progam at the Bardavon in Poughkeepsie today. I was in the first one of those shows back in the early 1980s. I wish all dancers and audiences great experiences and thank them for lighting up the grid. There are some dancer friends in heaven who likely are cheering you on as well…so love to those above also, in the balcony as it were which is where I saw my friend and great dancer Colin Day once at one of the gala event shows a decade or so ago before he passed on. For inspiration I think of him ‘Calling in the Day’ with me with his amazing concentration and talent. May that help light your way too knowing so many people want to share their gifts and hone their talents..and a great percentage of them do whether in the arts, math and sciences, writing, living, caring for others or more… Life is a Giant Dance Party and you are a key part of that part-ee! I enjoyed seeing youtubes of ‘No Cash” and he names his fans as Cashiz (Cash Is) to signify the Value like Money but so much more that Each of Is… we make a difference. Also the videos of subway and street performers in NYC (and likely elsewhere) are fun to see. I get to see some in person, including one doing a Michael Jackson dance in costume with the moonwalking and sleek moves. The perfomer gives a hand signal tribute to up above after perfoming…rather touching especially  knowing he’s done this for years and will continue to do so. Who are you recalling today or honoring in a simple way with some warm remembrance, insight to the careful thinking of what could have helped prevent an accident (for everyone’s shared benefit if you can share the insight). Sometimes offering to listen to someone in distress, giving them a kind gesture of a hello and how are you doing can help them realize they are not alone in their dire feelings. I did that for a girl in Amenia coming out of Cumberland Farms looking very distraught after being in the bathroom crying for a while apparently. So prayers and cares can help us all know we are ‘being seen and held by a greater field of love. In the book A Search for  the Truth, Ruth (hey, rhymes with Truth–wonder if she noticed that? Maybe she if pointing that out to me now!)says there is a ring of knowledge surrounding the entire earth which contains all wisdom from the beginning of time. She was told this, Ruth Montgomery that is..and yes I like that her name resonates with that of Bewitched lead Elizabeth Montgomery. I got to meet her niece who looks a bit like her and said she was nice (and bought her a house… kind of an angelic auntie which more of us can be even if offering to help clean another’s home or make someone a meal..or give them a motorhome or converted bus which I heard a kind uncle did recently for a young man. Move over motorcycles and bring on the bUS!)  Or STEVEN GREER alerts us all to some make or break news on his Youtube about the Need to Disclose key info about free power and a hoax of a threat from Manmade UFOs and fake aliens to get US-All to support more star wars programming that will run billions….NEWSFLASH–watch before that’s taken down from tne internet!!  I just got this and hope each can give a listen to one talk even for ten minutes and maybe share an idea from it. Could be a fun homework/heavenwork exercise. Some say we get a heads up on our life in our dreams, with signs from stories or others… just plugging in with a heart of compassion, forgiveness, health and  good intentions can help guide US-All as we hear so many options… and counting family, friends and other kind souls on our tribal team of growth for our souls and understanding of our human and spiritual qualities may be a lot of what life is all about. Thanks for all you do and who you are, awake or asleep with angels and good vibes at your sides… HugEnergy, Catherine PS I heard Doreen Virtue’s talk near the end of the series and another fellow who was speaking to those points of being ready to ask for what you really need (not what you don’t want) and to be patient and receptive to the signs and people who align with a positive response..I am also trying to catch more of The Thyroid Secret so let me know if you hear something from Days 4 and 5