Wed, 03/15/2017 – 09:37

Listening to a few 10-20 minute videos by GIGI YOUNG about what we are all about, as people, a part of the universe and more. She has shared that the years from 2012-2015 were times of release and transition to line up with our inner intention. The overall idea is that the world reflects our experiences and intentions (whatever those may be, consciously and unconsciously).

So being honest and doing one’s open heart reflections to understand one’s emotional and intentional experiences is important. Some of that is done by being quiet and meditative, allowing for some insights to arise or to clean one’s slate (a little at a time and receive more from the universe that aligns with one’s higher intentions–ideally.)

Then she describes the time period from 2015-17 and then from 2017 onward, with many insights about particular aspects of our world, society and energy. She says that ”we can shift timelines’ so our reality is not always ‘as solid’.

Understanding the universal cycle from 2017-20 involves the human consciousness responding to galactic energies. She describes universal energies that move through groups of people, like the Renaissance or times of contraction or depression.loss or sickness.

The back and forth, the expansion and contraction of the universe, the push-pull creates momentum that we can tune into individually and collectively. A word to describe 2017-20 is “Echo. From 2012-15 the word would have been Challenge or Unbalanced.

It was a time of challenge for everyone to throw us off balance to make us stronger and help us learn to deal with any situation. That resonates with me (and I must say I am happy to have survived many unforseen conflicts and folks which I thougth I’d already paid my dues or learned my lessons about… apparently not). 2015-17 is building upon the internal cleansing..

.We are more honest, we’ve seen our inner shadow side and wanting more light in our loves. The external world will finally mirror the change we had in 2012-15. The farther one is away from love and fairness, the less one will know oneself as an energy of love. It can become difficult to function if out of touch with one’s loving energy

For 2017-20 the Echo energy is another round of refining one’s intentions and choices. Maybe one will attract a similar situation or person who you don’t want to really engage with or have things play out in a profound way by staying involved. Rather the shift to discern a new way and clarify one’s choices and actions will affirm one’s sense of personal responsibility. Likely it would make sense to listen to the talks twice and in a basic chronological order. I am trying to convey the jist of some of what I’ve heard and inspire people to look at our individual and collective experiences with a variety of lenses. How are things looking from where you stand (or ponder?)

