Wed, 03/15/2017 – 18:12
After sharing a friend’s post about NY and other places helping Immigrants to not cooperate beyond giving their name and not letting any ICE (Immigration Customs Exportation folks, I think) in their dwellings, a fellow commented that he did not think people doing something illegal should be able to get away with it and needed to face ‘whatever consequences’ were currently being drummed up in response to Their Actions. He compared it to robbing a bank and expecting to get away with that…Here is my response and hope it gets more people concerned about Many Challenges Facing US-All as Human Beings at large and our sense of control or options for creative caring responses…
I hear the concern of ‘rules being broken so payment must be rendered’. There are other concerns as well that we likely need to start discussing more openly–like what Steven Greer Shares on youtube and on Netflix.
We all have more help on our side than most can take time to ponder. What will we do when the oceans swallow up much of the coastlines Around The World as the oceans rise?
These issues will not be solved overnight. and as many realize from illness or tragedy, no one is immune from sickness or death. We will all have our time to exit our mortal lives as much as we all had our time to arrive in mortal form.
What if we are all Spiritual Beings..and Intuitive, Caring, Creative Beings who could ‘rethink everything’ (especially with better networks and a ton more people than we had 50 years ago on the plan-it).
Why not use these ‘difficult challenges’ and reframe some Options to help more people live simply and sensibly. Most people can be content with less Stuff and More Learning and Enjoying the company of others (or reading, watching shows and maybe even actually Helping Others with skills, advices or physical labor.)
This scenario is idealistic but Most Folks Get Tired after 30 or maybe 40..and just want to enjoy life. If they have kids, they are also happy to get a good night’s sleep and have time to enjoy the outdoors with their kids, maybe make a meal together instead of settling for fast food or cereal or grilled cheese.
Every child/future student deserves about 10-20 mentors from the moment they are hatching out in their mom’s tummy and helping the community get ready for their blessing of being on that newly incarnated person’s team.
But we miss a lot of that due to ‘Property Rights’. We can chat more on this topic and I’ll put this on my blog to help others feel they’ve journeyed this far with us in the discussion.. thanks for taking a few moments to tune into Any Issue since most ‘don’t care or don’t want to know…”