Fri, 04/07/2017 – 14:41
I wanted to watch Sirius and found if for Free on at Why not watch a few minutes today and as you can to see what over a million and a half people have viewed. The next project is Unacknowledged. Steven Greer shares that “it doesn’t matter who the President of the US is, the people Really in charge run the military and show”. From 1948 through 1998, over 200 nuclear bombs have been detonated on earth and half by the US. There are indications humans had done this before.
Steven Greer says other planetary civilizations are not impressed with our modern warfare behavior. Sanskrit, Japanese and many other ancient civilizations indicate a lot of interaction with aliens and UFOs,with teachings shared. “We are not alone in this universe.” is something the film depicts as a given, with the question ‘How close are they?” (in terms of interacting with us, not in ‘arriving’ or finding us. This set of ideas were shared in the first fifteen minutes. so why not tune in with others (even mention online) to see for oneself and what resonates.
All very important education which our kids, the younger and likely wiser folks on the planet who have incarnated at this important time, are unlikely to ever hear of in school, even in school and advanced collegiate or doctoral programs. It’s all about funding, who makes decisions and ‘drives the bus.’ Thankfully Steven Greer and others have been working at great risk and warp speed, (and CE5–human initiated contact with ETs)…so again, tune in gingerly and with support. We’re on quite a trip through the galaxy….