04/07/2017 – 19:45

Why not welcome spring (or any other season) with a song from Folk-Legacy,now free on youtube. I’ll post a few faves, but here’s one to get going… HugEnergy, Catherine, Livfully…

Now by mistake I had put the following more serious talk by Steven Greer and others on..so that’s about UFOs… but keep an open-mind and consider the big What IF possibilities of secret factions of the govn’t doing business as aliens (or fake aliens as the case may be to cause a false flag event and get us in a tizzy and expending gazillion dollars when we really do have a collective mission here on earth to Re-Green the planet with Trees and maybe other quick fixes Steven Greer offers For Free in terms of hope and insight on his two main documentaries, Disclosure and Unacknowledged.) Thanks for singing and sharing the good news of hope in these dire times.. .peace out!

