Finding one’s message and one’s voice can take a while. Many coaching experts say ‘your message and delivery, indeed ‘everything about You and Your Brand (yes the two can be inextricably linked)’ needs to relate to Your Audience, Your “Ideal Client”, Your Tribe. (Have you ever heard this on internet outreaches or from motivational speakers and business coaches?

Whether “You” are a person, a part of a group, a non-profit or a for-profit (not necessarily turning a profit or a high ROI–return on investment of not only money–maybe from friends, fundraisers, donors, investors and your own sweet self, but learning, time, work-work as in labor and then some.)

Well, my mission seemed to be one of endless finding the perfect way to ask everyone to ‘slow down and get to know each other in a friendly, caring way…and brave helping each other by caring and sharing’ and actually ‘show up for one another’ whether with good ideas, actual stuff or cash (hopefully to pay a bill directly even with loans or grants from non-profits, faith groups, finding resources on –or in NYC.) I was hoping for all of the 211 services (which you can dial by phone, yes as in 2-1-1, or in NYC 3-1-1) to ask for who to call for what kind of help.

Every state has one Now, but that wasn’t the case in the 1980s. We barely had HUSKY or health insurance for low-income pregnant women. That was a big help to many and likely still is to be able to have ‘real help’ to at least have a baby.

I know there are many controversies over how many children (if any) some people feel any women or men (now with surrogacy, etc) should have or even be an egg or sperm donor too. Again, back in the 1980s when all of that was becoming more possible (though very pricey) for more people it wasn’t as common as it is today. Making birth control and sex education readily available for kids from about age 7 and up (if not sooner, especially the Education piece) makes a lot of sense.

New laws are addressing many matters that had never been considered to relay to young children such as safe touch and actual teaching that it is against the law for anyone to assault them physically or sexually. (See The Dweck Sisters Project to donate to a talk about the birds and bees in the arts, particularly in light of educating boys and girls. Critter Jitters was done by their Mom, Karen Kisslinger, so I am impressed they’ve thought of using their talents to take the topic to another level and get more people thinking…( something I’ve also aspired to do and had an article done with Karen for the Millerton News in about 1993.)

Maybe they will mention what neglect and deprivation is but basically young new people on the planet (yes, infants and children) need to know they have rights and protections under the Law even if that is not a perfect system.

Too often there can be corruption or disturbances playing out in the primary protective parent and child connection rather than safeguarding that. More programs such as in Ohio are starting to seek the Safe and Together Model and use ideas from Barry Goldstein (who has helped design The Safe Child Act) to educate and inform the public of better practices to help youth get up and running with support. The following piece on ‘Acorns to Oaks” was written by me, Catherine Palmer Paton when living in CT rearing our four children back in October 2007 (or sooner), and I think the message and my voice will find its audience (which was You all along, sorry it took a while to get this to your arena.) Let me know in the comments what resonates. I will post now and re-read before too long lest more time slip away. I am pressed for time (yes it happens and the laundry story I was going to cover was about dealing with antics of a little one while trying to wring out a huge cotton quilt that did not get fully spun by the paid machine.

About four visits to the laundry room After getting soap in the rain (and stopping for a handy plastic stroller cover a couple more blocks away in the rain and some cookies and treats for a Valedictorian from a competitive college that I’m related to..(I will see if I can put it out there but trust me, I’m a proud person knowing he worked hard and had some real life challenges since was good buddies with our teen son Kaelan when he passed at age 16. While some say that may have helped him try to just do better in life, I know I needed ‘a few years off from reality’ and just took it easy when I could have pursued ambitious projects to change or inspire the world, travel to see family far away or help in an orphanage in a country that called to me–and being at churches even in small towns that is basically a very big possibility.

But as you can learn from this blog, sometimes it takes me a while to ‘get in gear’. But I will go check that laundry now and look forward to sharing more ‘look back’ insights and reflect on which things held true even through the storms in life. Hope you are finding your way through the world and feel you have support not only with your circles of friends and family but with this cyber tribe which has hit the 80K mark or more. What can one little person do? Well, with some flowing ideas and capable typing mind and fingers plugging away, a community of hearts and minds can be woven as though in a dream that continues when awake. May your best visions for yourself and others find you at mountaintops and appreciating your journeys as part of humanity. HugEnergy to all Acorns to Oaks…let’s keep the Team Outreach going. I have new installments called The Turtle Garden Circle of Friends (US-then your state-then your town such as US-NY-Brooklyn.) A few good ideas can go a long way to keep the ball rolling and humanity and nature growing in peace and harmony!

“Acorns to Oaks” in Oak-tober (and throughout the seasons of our lives) may mean discovering little gems of wisdom and friendship in our villages. Like a scavenger hunt, people are invited by a volunteer effort called Acorns to Oaks Friends United Network (A-20 FUN USA-CT) to consider the magic of how “great oaks grow from little acorns”, how “grown-ups develop from little people”, how “families emerge from relationships”, and how “villages form from individuals and groups working for the common good”.

Making a list of ideas and acknowledgments weekly under each “how does growth and positive change occur” topic can make a nice group project for a business, school, faith group, family or other organization.

Enjoy your community by  appreciating volunteers, family, school or team efforts with a note or extra goodies or a secret good deed.  Everyone deserves a pat on the back and a team of support for meeting challenges in these changing times.

As the leaves fall, we can feel gratitude for all of those who have helped make our town, state, country and world what it is. Many good efforts have paved the way for new generations to succeed and to share in greater responsibilities. Encouragement for each to find their niche in the forest of human interactions and society greases the wheels of progress and sustainability. Making a poster with positive saying is one way to share the wisdom of the hills like that of grandmothers and relations as well as to promote “friendly forest talk”.

Getting back to nature and to one’s own roots of success and life story is gratifying and worthwhile to share with others. Recording simple family stories on a time line, drawing a family tree or using information off the internet to organize a brief history of how people met, where they lived, what kinds of work and hobbies they had, what they valued and where they traveled can give voice to stories only they can tell. Future generations appreciate the stories and traditions and helps each chart their course for their own ventures.

Simple rhythms to a day which include some time outside in the morning, midday, and in the evening to appreciate the sky and stars, the changing seasons, the signs of bird migration or other animal life about one’s home and area can help one in being a steward of the earth. Planting fall  bulbs to bloom in the spring, putting a small garden to bed, and delighting in fresh grown vegetables from farm stands by making some soups or other dishes can help a family enjoy the connections to nature, perhaps with a lit candle and gathering at meal time at least weekly.

Golden acorn ideas could include “getting inspired” to find out what is happening with an old friend, with a new neighbor, at a local school or community program. Taking time to nurture oneself with healing foods during the winter, not eating to excess, getting enough rest and “me time” can foster new energy. Telling a story about what one saw outside, what one is learning about, or ideas to build community in small ways can open doors to opportunities in one’s area. A few people gathering can make a spark of an idea take root in a meaningful way.

A-2O FUN, USA-CT is about growing together in wisdom, kindness, health, talent, friendship and community locally and globally. Every tree in the forest of humanity has an important role in brightening their corner of the world (with economical fluorescent light bulbs as one good option along with conserving energy in as many ways as possible). Sharing and caring about each other is fun and important. As Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”.

We can be serious and we can also be “playful”, climbing in an imaginary pumpkin to get in touch with our inner acorn to dream our dreams from long ago and far away. They are waiting for us to call them into being again, and emerge with new enthusiasm to care for the giant acorn we are all privileged to call “home”, planet earth.

Let’s “be here now, and enjoy it as a healthy forest of strong, growing oaks!” May peace prevail in every heart and mind, and may the human race never cross the “finish line” without dignity or hope. Jot down and share what you are inspired to dream when you hear ” Acorns to Oaks” in Oaktober and throughout the seasons of your life.

To share ideas which may be included in a booklet  “Acorn Inspirations” or for more information on this volunteer effort, please call coordinator Catherine Palmer Paton at 860-626-5199 or email

“Soar with the eagle, welcome the good message-bearing horses from the four directions , live walk, and talk in harmony with yourself and others as you seek wisdom, kindness, health, talent, friendship and community! Take good teachings and let anything negative pass you by as you walk with your tribe of friends to the place where dreams come true!”