I often feel like Monday is a One-Day, Tuesday, a Two-Day, Wednesday a Three-Day, Thursday a Four-Day, and Friday, a Five-Day with Saturday being a Six-Day and Sunday, a Seven-Day.
Now IF I remember to think of this on a Monday as the 1st day of the Work Week or Weekdays, then it sets up the rest of the week to be counted as ‘ the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th days’.
If I take note of the Actual Date, then again, I can do the Math of What the Dates are of the week and I will say, for instance Today being Mon May 22nd, Tues the 23rd, Wed 24th, Thur the 25th, Fri the 26th, then Sat the 27th and Sun the 28th…and then Next Mon will be the 29th.
That is simple but powerful in terms of helping someone who doesn’t really do a lot of paper calendar checking ‘keep track of the days and of course, looking at the calendar for the week, the following week and even the Month ahead makes sense.’
Those are just a few basics I am happy to share and will post on my blog www.livfully.org where there are endless topics and tips (but lots of stories and ideas mixed in so one must be ready to do a little digging or at least read the titles of posts, maybe of which start in one place and go exploring the notion in a free form style.)
That could be fun for anyone to try on a Monday or other day, to be ‘creative rather than reactive’ and be aware of those Choices throughout the week as well as How and What One Speaks…