Those mid-awaking moments, maybe still during dream time, speak to me.. something about the world Spokes and spoken.. What’s the connection. A long time ago I thought of the idea of how many relgiiouns or world views are like spokes of a wheel all connected to a central hub and needing to share an outer wheel so it can turn. What if every school of thought and religion is maintained in part for us to have a ‘living history’ of what’s transpired on earth.

The Jewish people maintaining their practices since before Jesus and The Church and Christians came on the scene. Was that G-d’s plan, is that a key to salvation for the world, Derek Prince Ministries and others ask. It likely seems cruel to the Jewish People to have their faith ‘adopted by others in part and then changed significantly and handed back to them as ‘the only answer’ to save the world and humanity. If they can’t see things from a Christian’s perspective, can a Christian see them from the Jewish perspective? This modern world of democracy is now indicating that the law is not only what the Ten Commandments and many others stemming from those are but a fair, equal democracy.

Anyone who was not willing to consider the possibility that ‘the greater plan’ or a path for loving G-d could include allowing people more self-expression and relationships based on mutual mature consent of adults (which age varies but is generally 18 or 16 but sometimes younger) is now perhaps feeling the ‘takeover of their world view, religion and territory’ much as the Jews experienced from Christians. Even in the realm of Christians, the Orthodox and Catholics argue for over a thousand years about main points (where the Pope would reside and I’m sure other key issues.) Now there are 30K kinds of Christianity, as well as plenty of forms of Judaism and other faiths.

Each person believing and living a life with what freedom they perceive themselves to have is in a sense another unique expression of a religious or world view belief. Now genders and many other ‘assumptions’ are up for discussion and the questions about ‘what would the common good and love have us do’ hardly makes it to the discussion table. Some are thinking things through such as the Unitarian  or Universalist churches and many New Age or Alternative Healing Communities.

We need more online forums to hear what people and the leaders of any such group are proposing would serve a person’s health, a sense of community and safety and well-being. Then more people from any group could have more to reflect on and oh yes consider when making societal laws in America or other countries in the world. Meanwhile how we live in terms of using resources, growing food or feeding our bodies, healing and helping each other also needs our collective attention rather than leaving it to industries with limited interests. Hope that’s worth pondering to help us evolve with world and the wheels of well-being go round. We’ll need more public discussion on End of Life care and burials or other processes to keep our ecosytems in balance. Cremation is not an easy, trouble-free solution since it causes more pollution and harm to the environment…

Maybe  with all due respect and a good service (even online groups gathering during the time of someone’s passing and for three days after taking turns reading as Rudolf Steiner suggests) and having a service on the 4th day if no chemicals are being used. A body can be kept maybe in some kind of cool storage unit or on a waterbed with very cold water in it… just a thought not to get people worried or upset… But eventually maybe being ‘shipped to  natural landscape in a desert ( I don’t know about the digging part, maybe being wrapped in a blanket would suffice..and yes allowing for natural decomposition. The desert idea would make some sense to not use the better soil where plants and trees can grow. Sounds weird but eventually we might come up with reasonable solutions.. Overall addressing our growing numbers on the planet with a heart-centered sense of care will help us more than ignoring the basic life cycles and ways we can help one another face these modern times and many challenges (and opportunities to grow in love, care and competency.)