Submitted by livfully
on Sat, 04/25/2015 – 21:12

My idea to share freely (but pls give me credit and a cut of profits…let’s talk) is to have everyone consider their OPTIONS for driving or riding bikes to be Voluntarily Safer and More Conscious.

When you  are getting in your car, think of the Grateful Dead song..There is a road, a simple highway..and stay calm and drive reasonably, which for most will mean looking at their speedometer and slowing down to avoid a ticket which can run $100-200 and up easily, as can running a red light or stop sign..

Read on and Wise up as I’ve had a chance to do even with a minimal amount of driving in my life, but enough to know we are all going to have to do things a little more sensibly to avoid tragedies starting with everyone voluntarily not driving others if under age 18 and maybe even waiting to get one’s license until that more mature age.

Parents could do the world a favor by asking their teens and youth on a daily basis what their schedule is, who they will be with (ideally always with some adult supervision within easy reach or a call) and when they will be returning, again with some flexibility rather than a reason to hurry home. Some areas have curfews, but a basic one could be based on the old ad, “It’s 10pm, Do You Know Where Your Child, Teen or Young Adult Is?”

Why not promote everyone letting someone know how they are doing on a daily or at least weekly basis even if living apart. Tracking one’s travel is not unlike accounting for one’s spending. Each person can feel more ‘connected and cared for’ when telling someone or keeping a journal someone could access about where one had gone, and particularly if there are changes or illness one is experiencing.

We can brainstorm here, again in tribute to the multitudes of US-All around the world who are hurt or done in ‘on our way to somewhere’ due to recklessness, speed, distraction, Alcohol, drugs, fighting or violence of any kind (even despair or suicidal thinking) or even fluke problems.

.It’s hard to be hurt or have loved ones injured or leave us, especially in sudden violent ways. No time to say goodbye, no time to slow down and have a do-over. The  Wisdom of the Enneagram book by Hudson describes how we may benefit from assessing our personalities for tendencies toward anger, control .

(I’ll call that the P factor, but that could also include any T factor like testosterone or other hormones which may also merit more understanding in human behavior since 2 million men land in prison while only 100 K women do…and I imagine most ‘accidents’ are caused by men doing dangerous things beyond the why not consider this obvious component?)

In May, Mothers and Women could do most of the driving if there’s an option of a Male or Female driver. The main exception would be pregnant mothers, who may want to be treated like royalty and have more time to relax and practice their inner smile in their belly region and find ways to nurture themselves with pleasant foods, time outdoors, visiting with good friends and keeping food and routines healthy.

The optional guidance in terms of driving directions could include going North at the top of the hour (12), South at the half hour (6), West at the quarter of the hour (9) and East at the quarter after the hour (3).

My prediction is that women will try this and report to a friend or back here as I am also suggesting would be helpful. In June, Fathers and Men would be the ‘designated drivers’ if again as for women, the person is safe, sober and appropriate to do so.

Again, all drivers could take precautions if weather could be changing, windy (watch for branches, wires, balls and of course bikes and motorcycles, and kids on and off school buses).

Leaving a courteous 10-15 minute window for doing errands or having some delay (or going back to get something one may have forgotten, so again review in one’s mind or with a list the important papers, a drivers license, insurance and registration, more than a quarter tank of gas–especially in rural areas or if storms expected).

Please do not pASS others (and my prediction is that men and young adult drivers with a video-game mentality do most of the passing along with Women who do Way Too Much and don’t know about time and stress management..). Only pass if it is really necessary and clearly safe.

Same goes with running yellow or red lights–too many people count on an extra second or two but more cameras in cities catch and ticket people by mail. More citizen drivers are ready to report reckless moves and in a rural area a list likely could be culled of ‘drivers with a lead foot’ who drive faster than their angels could fly.

Speeders can be reported if you can catch up to them to get a license plate but a police man won’t give a ticket unless someone got hurt or he witnesses that. Still, maybe in small towns people can have interventions with such stand outs and Moms (and likely Dads) would Want to Know if their car were being driven unsafely.

Too many people allow for ‘buzzed driving’ in terms of the driver only having had ‘one drink’ or ‘food to eat’. Many women fall prey to that concept as well as youth, men and basically older people, who can end up causing an accident or fatality unintentionally.

These are pearls of wisdom slowly learned in tragic ways in every community. More awareness about distracted driving (not doing other things, eating, drinking from a cup of coffee or even a bottle unless very important–and then why not pull over? One woman was given a ticket for eating an ice cream cone while driving since that was considered distracted driving. Texting and even talking on a phone (and even hands free can be a distraction as can intense conversation, arguing or any kind of tension…try not to go for a drive with people who see unstable or unskilled even in a temporary way).

IF children are in the car, the safety seats and ban on smoking and drinking must be advocated by any other adult or else they may also be deemed ‘failing to protect a child’. This includes banning someone who is high from pot or other drugs from driving.

The risks are too high, and more people are aware that CT and other states have banned smoking in public places..with more laws sought to ban it in cars with children (and for common decency no one should be subjected to 2nd hand smoke such as elderly or roommates, when at least cracking a window open or again, stopping and getting out to smoke could be a planned alternative.)

This sounds like a major spring cleaning and setting of a schedule, which could be followed for another two months, with Females (or Moms and Women) driving in July and Males (or Dads and Men) driving in August. There should be no ‘kids driving cars’ in terms of people thinking of them as ‘teens or kids’.

All drivers should be considered adults– young adults or adult-like in their behaviors before, during and after getting out of a car. CT and some states have laws to check around one’s car before getting in it (at least to pass a driver’s test, but it’s a sensible practice, particularly if pets or children are Anywhere near one’s car or place one is going to or leaving. Check your attitude as well as for how you are feeling (watch for HALT–hungry, angry, lonely or tired signals that may throw your A-Game which you should be bringing to the driving or riding experience or even walking or being out in public with safety and respect in mind.)

Think calmly, take a few deep breaths and imagine a safe journey without fears for kids, the day or the bigger world clouding your attention. Worrying should not be on your checklist, but Awareness and giving each task at hand your attention (called mindfulness by some) and having a buddy review your driving with you in an open honest manner whether occassionally or due to stress or illness, aging or weather conditions may make a lot of sense ‘just in case’ a word of advice or support could prove a timely intervention.

Elderly need to be very vigilant about both memory, skills and many factors and advice from the Alzheimer’s Association is online with a 24-7 support line as is 2-1-1 or online, google “211” for many social, practical, legal, family and other support resources and people to talk to about concerns.

Local libraries and public places can help one stay connected with others through chance meetings or more planned gatherings whether at a community center, senior center or faith group, adult education or again online such as TED Talks (see one on a growth mind set versus a fixed mind set) or

Likely there are some sites that promote these safer driving ideas but the overall point is there are many factors to consider besides the actual driving..such as one’s health and the choices other people on the road are making about whether they drive and how they drive.

Likely everyone has a few ‘close calls’ if not horror stories as well as some ‘mistakes’ and ‘bad habits’ (even having too much stuff in one’s car which can impede the sight or make driving much more difficult.

Again, dementia or wellness screenings likely will be more common for medical people or even police to recommend as laws encompass more interventive strategies. Next it may be ‘our homes’ but some overall organizing likely could be promoted to communities through schools and other networks.

Why not adopt the CT standard of ‘waiting a full three seconds as stop signs as well’ to avoid doing a rolling stop which can merit a ticket. Some states have a speeding law of over 10 mph while others have a 15 or more mph excess as the standard. In MA the minimum ticket which Can be clocked on someone passing (not supposed to exceed the speed limit when doing so or tailgate when beginning or ending a pass.

Moreover it is critical to have a space cushion after you pass behind you so if you need to stop suddenly because the car(s) in front of you stop suddenly, you can stop safely. This means it is Essential to SLOW DOWN for anyone passing you to help them have a safe zone and less chance of alarming oncoming traffic.

That is NO Time to play chicken or have a Shirley Cha-Cha Muldowney drag race, though human nature may feel it’s a challenge one shouldn’t have to back down on or a ‘teachable moment’ the reckless passer may not forget. Fatalities or serious injuries and even pile-up accidents can occur from one moment to the next when fast cars are practically on top of each other and someone makes an unexpected mover or stop.

One man in a small car ran into a pick up truck which stopped suddenly when a mother and boy used a cross walk when a car stopped to let her pass. The man in the small car broke his femur when his knee hit the dash and his head hit the windshield (even with his seat belt on).

The woman when interviewed informally months later said she felt entitled to cross when a car would finally stop even though there was a clear site line for a half mile in either direction and she could plan to wait until the coast was clear. She could also have advocated for more signs earlier on or flashing on her lawn (which was across from the school). She said this kind of thing happened a few times a week, when no one would stop or she had difficult time crossing…

All this said, Cha-Cha will be at the FV Car Show in Falls Village CT on July 12th, 2015..and the Spikes Ride for Sandy Hook in Limerock CT will be May 30th, 2015.

There are exciting bike rides, Walk/Runs and events to get to, but in order to get their we have to remember that Driving like Life (and Sports, Healthy Living and Socializing without bullying in any venue )is a TEAM endeavor..with the mindset that Together Everyone Achieves More (and I quote that and give credit to whoever said it..). Safe and Happy Travels and may close calls be fewer and farther between for US-All on Plan-It Heart/ Earth…cha, cha, cha!