In addition to the Coursera program (through Northwestern on social marketing which people can audit (that’s take for Free), there are some jazzy offers from folks like Tammi Metzler…she was offering this (Client Attraction and Virtual Summit Program) at 75% off but I just got the email. (I want to give a Shout Out of thanks to Tammi for donating a great prize of helping someone write a book with her coaching program..and Guess Who Won?!, Yes, Me (thanks Divine and other factors that worked in my favor..hope I can can fill the bill…so that’s a gift and a challenge and I hope I can meet it.

That’s me as in Livfully or aka Catherine Palmer Paton (doing my happy dance or Price is Right kind of jumping up and down for getting the first bidding to get On Stage, yet in my case it will be to Get a Book Published..and I have to get on to see who wants to journey with me to roll out a bunch of ideas along the lines of honoring not only my life journey but mostly my son’s with the lessons we could all glean from being more accountable for ourselves, our kids and minors, others in our care and neighborhoods and those we can touch and support with a Greater Love…

I have to get on the schtick and think of jumping in quick (within the year to use the offer.)

The chance to enter came to me via a tip to get some free gifts and try the annual great giveaway offers (I will check on exact name. but put it on your calendar too if I can find out when The Next One is as was mentioned to me online by Land Of Brand (LOB). That’s another go-to for the info site with free videos–a LOBoratory that can help you review your great ideas and business persona, relationship and everything connected to your product, service and advertising, offers and so on as Your Brand.)

So I’ll have to wait til her next sale (maybe next year since it was an anniversary work day, 9 years since she launcher her own biz…and This being my Dad’s wouldabeen 95th that would make him smile to know many people are making a living without breaking their backs sodaspeak…)

Very strange how the hardest working folks often are the least paid and appreciated…until the trash piles up, the kids go untended, the elderly have ‘a crisis’ (which too many people kind of see coming but don’t Make The Time Collectively to Gingerly Intervene..this is a Nationwide and Likely Worldwide problem).

That pretty much goes for Most Folks at every age and stage of life.. .everybuddy could use some help but only those ready to pay or trade can seem to get the help. Those most in need are not encouraged to review their lives in a holistic manner to see patterns or needs that society and their own ‘choices’ land them in often time and again…

Okay now back to being a biz whiz…and getting your talents out into the world (and yes, mine too) so we can Show Up and Shine Bright (like a diamond as the catchy song went a few summers back..)