Thankfully some of the folks I talk to know a whole bunch about All Things Internet and Computer-Related..and IT”S TIME TO FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS to keep Net Neutrality..which keeps the use and access of the internet for the public “free as in freedom”, The price of protection starts with writing letters to your Congress people and doing what that site says.

This is leading the fight worldwide on Wednesday, July 12th, 2017. ” The company that sells the internet access (such as Verizon, etc) cannot leverage their power to destroy start-ups and censor content,” says one person in the know..okay, so see you on that site. “Cable companies tried to end Netflix, but they got caught violating the net neutrality law and so had to stop.”

The GOP wants to alter the law to allow the big companies to censor content and make a way to end neutrality. That would likely drive prices sky high for decent internet… Okay, that oughtta get 95% of the sober and thereabouts people fired up to head over to pronto!