Here’s a heavy-hearted response to the litany of Presidential (and Republican)’mandates’ or requests in his Address to Congress. Some of what he proposes will run $54 Billion more for the Defense Dept (I read from a post on Marshall Miles’ site…who oversees the smallest NPR radio station in the nation,
As millions marching since he was elected to Show Concern and Dire Need to For Democracy to function, it’s time for Everyone To Listen and Learn about what few rights anyone may have left in terms of Civil Rights, Working and Seeing Land of Liberty for All.
Maybe there’s some ‘good in with the bad’, likely some governmental spending may need trimming but not at the cost of the environment and human rights. A clear budget and explanation of what he is Proposing would be helpful at this point. Hopefully more of a basic Civics Class could be provided online so more people could step into the roles of active, informed citizens…
Preventing Wars and Unnecessary Expenditures (such as The Wall and the Environmnentally Destructive Keystone XL Pipeline and other such moves that Standing Rock has galvanized most ethical Americans to recognize and support) could be shared goals and values.
However when a few at the top of the food chain don’t want to share and there is not way to ‘make them do the right thing’, we need to dig a little deeper. NPR, National Public Radio aims to do that kind of outreach. and others are in need of great amounts of money to keep their news on the air and online. I would like to think more people could be finding ways to explain how such resources benefit the public and shape policy.
Maybe if more people had listened to NPR and other progressive media, the warnings could have been heard by more Women and Lower Income people who generally are deemed second or third class citizens. So many are brainwashed in this country at such an early age the idea of actually getting involved and knowing how to do so likely eludes most college students still. Everyone could be empowered to become part of collective learning teams, sharing ways to make ends meet and their votes count. If there were one welcoming place in each town or region and at least 20 in each state, more people could feel like they were acknowledged and part of a meaningful effort.
The political system speaks along those lines but the language and severity is a little too complicated for most folks. Feeling includecd for who they are and what they like and know to do would be a good starting place. Ideally more grassroots efforts among non-profits could help along these lines. Often faith groups, churches, libraries and even schools tap into the idea of community-building in terms of having fundraisers to stay afloat.
The more people could be encouraged to create learning guilds or groups with some think tanks and actions steps, the better. Let’s use this time of change to re-awaken a sense of shared ownership in all that is going on rather than run and hide in fear or confusion. A key part of that could be tuning into the likes of or other helpful stations and resources and supporting them at some level. A challenge grant is often looking not only for amounts of money but the number of contributors.
I have to see if Vassar met the 1000 donor need to get a 100,000 dollar anonymous donation at the tail end of 2016. It’s not easy to dream of big bucks when one’s coffers are low but some say envisioning them overflowing and That’s Going to Make It Easier for Your Angels and Everything Else in Your Life to “make it happen” (of course it makes sense to do your part or not block or deny the progress toward the goal.)
That was a point shared by Doreen Virtue and Reid Tracy from, a very cool outreach and resource. Okay, so back to the tasks of the day on March 1st, 2017 which is the first day of Lent in the Christian community. While Lent if 40 days that does not count Sundays, so it will be 46 days and leads up to Easter Sunday which is April 16, 2017.
Regarding Trump’s (or #45’s) Presidential speech which was aired on February 28th, 2017, some say there was much propaganda in it and that sadly most people would not know the lies they were being told. I said I’d relay that point and can’t clarify more of it right now, but likely the media will do so.
Some are fearing a change to Charter Schools since often there can be promises made but not delivered, yet much funding lost to public schools. That can be particularly true for the disadvantaged students. Some of the public schooling system’s teacher pension plans and other factors may need serious review such as has been seen in Connecticut. While regulations were insistent that the same amount of money or more be budgeted every year even if student population declined significantly, now there are mandates that towns pay one-third of the pensions due to teachers. The whole system is under review since there is a huge gap in achievement and likely offerings between the wealthier towns and the urban populations. I noticed this during the 1970s when I went to an inner city high school in New Haven after living in the wealthy northwest corner of the state of CT. Now folks are concerned that 25% of kids at the high school are failing one or more classes.
The debate over whether to have only 4 courses for half a year would improve learning (and grades) rather than keep the more flexible 7-8 classes over the course of a year (with options for some half-year programs I believe) is happening as I write this out. There are only about 400 students in the 4 grades of the high school. Ideally more could attend with some transportation and support to help motivate more students to appreciate the experience. Right now outside students need to pay tuition to attend.
The entire population numbers are declining in many towns, with fewer younger people staying or joining the communities. All of these factors play out in many areas around the country and it doesn’t seen to be anyone’s job to really keep an eye on such important trends. I hope to inspire a few more people to get involved. Ralph Nadar has often said it would take handfuls of committed citizens to help turn things aroung on the political scene, and likely that would begin locally
. The Republicans have managed to do their behind-the-scenes (and not so hidden) networking with righ wing faith groups and efforts which seem to be paying off prettily for them.. not so much for the planet. Maybe they have a new planet somewhere they plan to enjoy before long. In the end, I realize we have a heap of problems and a lack of great solutions that can be put into action. That clears the way to build ‘more prisons and walls, wars and wastelands’ (sacrificing good land for oil or gas pipelines or other destructive plans.)
To end on a brighter note, ‘think spring” and may it be so in your hearts, minds and in our shared experience as we venture into the future together..hopefully with love from above monitoring our humans-on-earth situation and helping things not get any more out of hand than they have already. For more insight about helping refugees check out the College of Social Justice on the Unitarian Universalist website which had programs on that important topic.
Maybe ‘sensitive areas’ such as faith group spaces, hospitals, schools and such could offer another layer of protection for refugees or others needing help (domestic abuse victims) but then again maybe that will be changed by the powers that be…now back to those Spring Thoughts after this in like lion kind of weather as March arrives.