Great women talking and info about menopause is online. Don’t miss out. I’ll add some of the pros and tips as I learn.
Feel free to share your own ideas and sites in the comments too. Not responsible for any info or health advice given on this or other sites linked to mine.
Check with your doctor and don’t make changes on or off meds, foods, exercise etc without medical advice.
Thanks and enjoy marching through March, and the rest of the year and life (including menopause if that’s on your path). Kudos to one and all to stay strong and live well and long!
Update–great talks and sites to check out. Try or org,,,, (okay those last two are from the ) Good luck and just thinking about life and aging in a positive way can add good years to your life! (Google that for the study, I think John Robbins mentions it on his talk on the aging summit).
Comments has good tips and newsletter
One of the experts sharing her knowledge is Claudia Welch with great tips like self-help for healthier hormones, decreasing stress, massage and more. One small step at a time toward self- integrity and balancing one’s hormones..and life! Tell a friend!
Treat Your Body, Mind and Life to an “MBodied”Cleanse Oct 2015
Katherine Miller is offering a great deal on her coaching and the supplements to help with a 10-day detox diet and regimen of self-care. I got to hear her promo call and she shared ideas like taking flax seed oil daily (in smoothies, on food, etc), and 1-2 tsp of more of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water (or back in a smoothie). Morning is best to get your stomach off on the right acidity level to help digestion which can be on the decline (producing less stomach acid to digest effectively) with A-G-E. Google her site and see what else she has to offer. The supplements are valued at $150 to facilitate the cleanse (when actually taken, which speaks to her point of really doing at least one thing daily…even drinking water to stay hydrated which can prevent aches, wrinkles, headaches and what-not). That apple cider vinegar (raw) can help prevent or deal with Hot Flashes and other menopausal symptoms. I also have read Dr. Mark Hyman’s book the Ultra Simple Cleanse or Detox Diet which goes for a week with eliminating many foods people can become sensitive to as they age and not realize it. I just met someone today who was diagnosed with a wheat (and gluten..) allergy via a bloodtest after eating more bread than usual even though other tests had not shown it to be of concern (not a blood test but other kind of sensitivity test.) Like a science experiment (could we rightfully be that whether we frame ourselves as such?), we need to have some benchmark ideas and practices to Figure Out Who We Are Chemically (and otherwise).
Gosh darn those multi-million dollar ads in the media and gazillion products in the stores (best to stay O-U-T of them and have someone shop For You as a friend and support team if they have bette self control.) Okay, the point is we are beat before we think of what to eat…so need to pull together! Bon Cleansatite