Callum Becvarik is a heroic high school volunteer who answered the call to help in Gallup NM for 12-hour shifts (the night shifts included.) I was concerned about the intense hours this young man was putting in (and still am hoping he can get good support to rebalance his metabolism and sleep quotient, God bless him.)

I heard of his work through the website and encourage people to appreciate what youth in their 2nd or 3rd year of high school are pursuing voluntarily (and sometimes without getting credit but I hope to figure that out soon so I’m clear about what factors into such criteria for public vs private schools.) Chewonki offers camps and semesters of study with a focus on environmental issues and teamwork.

Check out their site for more information. Ideally every state could offer something ‘along those lines’ for more youth to create meaningful learning and networking opportunities. Thanks to all pursuing their dreams with teams of support and extra good self-care to stay in the game of helping and living with success on all fronts in mind and actual experience (including good sleep, regularly if possible and at night.)

I’m learning more with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo about Insulin Resistance so want to put more of that into practice with patients and support over these next few weeks and months. Lifestyle changes, ya know to make my overall experience more rewarding and efficient inside (metabolism wise) and out (energy and coaching others wise.) Stay tuned as I’ll share a few other helpful resources too such as Allison Storm’s Project One (on Kindle or hard copy), Jenn McLean’s programs (one in balancing one’s metabolism energetically or thereabouts and that’s under $50… so maybe worth checking out as that may go up in price in future offerings the text indicated.) There are quite a few cool programs out there, including hearing what David Adelson is sharing on podcasts Here We Come to Save the Day and calming energy devices (one is free at PeaceandHarmonyCo/ and others for larger areas are also available. Be in touch with me at if you want more info too.

Best to everyone as the 4th of July 2020 comes round momentarily…and a Happy Birthday to  CT friend and medium, Patti Sinclair. She’s helped many families and others face the music of the passing of a loved one and many other matters. Something many counselors may aspire to do but may not have a way to really help land the information.

They can be helpful in other ways though. I have found all sorts of people helpful and often coming into my path in the past. It’s trickier now since funding is cut and people are holed up due to CV19…so let’s Be There for One Another and get ready to “Evolve With Love”…how hard can it be?