Great deal of free info and programs to pay for as well to gain insights and ways to address abuse, control and violence of a parent (generally a father.) The terms Safe and Together speaks to keeping a child(ren) safe and together with their protective parent (generally the mother.) There is a lot to learn yet many individuals, agencies, criminal and judicial training and new laws incorporating the information is a pathway toward real learning and hopefully Change. As I hear David Mandel and others speak of the layers of harm and the many ways they seek to intervene, I can’t help but think “Good Luck with That!” Many experts such as Lundy Bancroft and Barry Goldstein seem to indicate ‘tougher standards early on’ can perhaps set safety up as a priority. But the back and forth often ends up helping the perpetrator ‘win.’ Lots more on this blog and other sites I list. Ideally everyone would get informed and screened before dating, mating, having children or living together… The difficulty of learning and getting safe is incredibly taxing, exhausting, depressing and often hopeless if not terrifying…See Kayden’s Corner and more on Battered Mothers Custody Conference and CA Protective Parents Association for more insights…