While organ donation sounds like a miracle with ‘no strings attached,’ there may be more to think about not only for those who get the benefit and who generously give of their organs (before dying, such as a kidney or bone marrow etc) but when “brain-dead” when most organs are harvested for optimal success in transplanting, or shortly after death as in accidents or natural passings. But in some countries, it’s politics and profit that drive a criminal harvesting of organs by killling innocent people (or even ‘so-called prisoners’ who are often put in jail for no real crime.)
The point is we all need to Brave Considering All Aspects of the Choices and Programs we join ‘voluntarily’ or even somewhat due to our social, religious, political and professional programming and values. This post was shared on a friend’s blog who shared that his cousin was having issues with a kidney transplant a few years ago and again now. I don’t know the statistics on how successful transplants are done from start to finish and then in the months and years following. I realize often serious drugs need to be taken regularly to maintain the functioning of the transplanted organs.
People have to have a level of care and accountability to see the benefit of the transplant. That may mean getting on a special diet, doing exercises regularly (a half hour a day or more, particularly to get the new heart strong.) Too often without the support and regimen followed, the progress is not made. Still we have all heard the miracle stories that give people both young and old a new lease on life. These are difficult topics to consider so pace yourself or have a friend read through or another professional, faith leader or other advocate.
But somehow we need to start asking the key questions. Marianne Williamson says that eventually (midway through her talk on 7-25-17) we will get wise and make humanitarian principles the guide for our lives and world so that eventually we will all live with love and care on Plan-it Earth (or Heart) as I tend to refer to us-all. It may take a long time to ‘get there’ but she shares that we will get there, some day.
How and When is up for discussion. (She does say there could be global catastrophe with nuclear war using part of the 7K bombs…but likely some will survive, maybe more spiritually than physically is what I think may be the case and yet she asserts if some survive they will choose love…)
We have friends who in a family of three siblings all needed transplants and got them through friend networks, with some donors not being the match but willing. Another friend had serious complications after donating a kidney to her partner (who did happen to be built about the same…)
So for each and every person in need, their donor, their medical and support teams, faith and family and friend teams, may the blessings flow with love and care on earth and from above. Not an easy set of situations to face, and some may choose to ‘not go that route’ for various important reasons…which we could all likely explore more in depth. In some countries being a donor is not an option but a requirement and may cost someone their life (for a kidney, a heart and so on..)
Such is what I learned from some on the subway recently and recalled seeing a piece on that on the mainstream news. We need to grow in faith, courage and teamwork on many levels and what seems like ‘thee answer’ may not necessarily be the case when considering the spiritual and energetic realms, karma and how spiritually-wondrously we are made.
Dr. Sha and many say we have many souls in each part of our being and organs…with a lot of previous lives and future ones to play out with karma, care and help from the divine..
Hope that’s not stepping on anyone’s toes. I will share this on my blog www.livfully.org to help keep the conversation growing… Hugz and the best to us all…I am listening to www.marianne.com and her 7-25-17 talk. She is saying “When we think with love, we are co-creating with G-d..” The law of cause and effect was set up for our protection…The talks are free for a couple of days after they are given live Tues. at 7:30pm in NYC.
“Anything that I do to another, I do to myself,” due to the oneness, the love and mind of G-d. This is what is playing out. She says, “We need to think natural thoughts (of love) not to ‘attack and defend’ which comes up since we are taught that early on…”. She continues…”The loveless mind seeks not only to dominate your thinking but to work through you. All negative thoughts derive from lovelessness..”
She says it’s important to look and understand the crucifixation, injustice, pathology etc but Look Through It and Invoke that which lies beyond…with greater love, greater vision and so on. The universe is ‘self-organizing and self-correcting…’ The mind of G-d (of which we are a part,an idea in the mind of) is powerful…Okay so that’s more of what she is sharing right now, with my quick intermittent notes…so listen to the real thing she shares based on The Course of Miracles.