The current administration in the US now, in July 2017, doesn’t know what Steven Greer shares he says. Yet over 60K have watched the video I am summarizing in part. Over 2 million have watched the documentaries Steven Greer has made,so maybe one of those folks who know someone in the circles ‘at the top’ could fill them in a bit..
.Eisenhower was the last president to know about these things yet had lost control over running any of them, but then is was mainly downhill. That’s when the secret government had emerged
(Beware of the Military-Industrial Complex. The secrecy could become a threat to our way of life…) For more is the site to check out for all the details..Corporations took over with parts of the government (national security programs, became out of reach of mainstream political people… by 1961 it was a ‘done deal’.
Steven Greer summarizes key points from 1945 to 1956 that introduced the UFO and interstellar technology to the United States via learning about WWII planes being surveyed by such things. He then says that Roswell NM was the first time the US Gov’t made a ‘star wars strike’ against three ships that had a few alien type beings on them.
The US President back then was informed, and likely that was done due to the development of the hydrogen bomb in New Mexico. Steven Greer briefed the CIA Director under President Clinton. It’s been 65 years since the Canadians (under Wilbur Smith) were investigating what the US was up to (all of which info can be found on the sirius website. )
Nicola Tesla was the real luminary of the 1900s (not Einstein so much, but the FBI swooped in and took all his secret papers..)The H-bomb was detonated in 1952. The flying saucer (or extra terrestrial vehicles) subject was more top secret than the H-bomb. These systems may have used scalar and electromagnetic longitudinal systems…the wave and particle system which runs light bulbs is one kind of energy, but with scalar technology is based more on a particle and is faster than the speed of light. These systems are not taught at top colleges…so that’s important to consider since most of the public trusts we are doing all we can with those in the top fields at universitiies and public agencies.
Steven Greer has worked in this field for over twenty five years and credits his wife Emily for helping him in instrumental ways to keep the project going and organized, along with many helpers, funders and advocates along the way. So thanks to each and everyone and for the two million people who have watched the Netflix or youtube info. I know some are ‘discrediting’ Steven Greer but again the theories are Very Important to Consider even if true in part… I happen to feel he’s telling the whole truth and risking his life to do it.
Steven Greer warns us of a False Flag event coming our way…the warning includes that we have ways to power our planet wtihout the need of oil and gas, so we are dealing with a major money and politic game which is putting us and our planet in peril. Steven Greer trusts that the real aliens likely can intervene before we manage to risk our survival as a species and or as a planet.
Let’s hope. My son Kaelan Paton, who passed 8 years ago trying to save a friend after rescuing two from dangerous waters by a huge waterfall in my hometown, used to feel as a 7- year-old that we were taxing our planet beyond what it could sustain. He had heard concerns from activists and was tuned in politically mainly through his folksinging grandparents, Sandy and Caroline Paton, but really had a sense of these things beyond what a typical kid did (even back in 2000.)
Let’s brave learning about these key issues while there is time to advocate for the appropriate actions to be taken by people and the government, ours and other countries. Look up ‘Operation Paperclip’ (that linked back to WWII smart Nazis for rocketry and aviation…who we brought over to get ahead in the space race with the Russians..) The RAND Corporation is a remnant of that time and is still a big think tank.