I am excited to see the programs you are offering…I almost lost track and appreciate the Reboot this week.
I met the former wife of a victim of gun violence (and write more on my blog livfully.org). I will go to the Concert Across America against Gun Violence…the one in Brooklyn NY.
I had time to talk with Tranelle, the widow, yesterday. I will share more about your work with her after the concert on 9-24 from 6-9pm, one of dozens in the country.
9-21 is the World Day of Peace to allow for humanitarian efforts, particularly in countries of war or conflict but all as proclaimed by the UN (so maybe not No.Korea..but let’s hope they can feel the love vibe.)
It’s also Climate Change Week in NYC so I may get to some of that this week…as the opps present themselves.. I enjoy the Responding not Reacting message (and had to walk out of a room the other day rather ‘unexpectedly’ but that’s my ‘go-to’ plan if things come up with others and I don’t want to have to talk or engage with them…
Okay, still listening to the intro and now ill zone in deeper..and I am very excited you will be at Kripalu, Jenn, and took this class since that one was seeming a bit much for my budget/ schedule.
I will see how things unfold though and may land there (or visit Kripalu for the day and maybe See You in the lunch room…Just saying I dream up lots of possibilities and let me know if I can be of help in NYC or going up thataway, my home turf.. .Hugs to all
PS I just came from a serious discussion in Brooklyn at the Presbyterian Church on LaFayette Ave where a dozen leaders were saying “Vote No” to the NY Constitutional Convention…They said too much is at risk (Article 17 and more that would jeapordize basic rights for people for food, housing, voting and lots more..especially for women (yes, reproductive rights and again, much more…) A few others chimed in that they were for the Convention and one fellow has a website, www.sanctuarystateny.org (he’s for the convention and thinks some of the same objectives those against it would be ushered in if the convention were held.)
The speakers of much experience with government, law and other key fields implored the few hundred gathered, mainly from unions and larger groups, that way too much could be done away with in the name of reform. NY State provides more for its citizens than the Federal Government allows or comes through with. People who qualify for the federal Section 8 housing will not be able to find an apartment even less than they can today in NYC which many realize is a huge problem. One person shared they know of people who had to move far away, as in Louisiana..and we know they don’t have the best odds at good climate that way. But I digress (who, me?) I will explore more of that if my videos came out, but it was very educational and I may have ‘stumbled upon that meeting’ after finding a flyer from a while back when cleaning out my room the other day..just sayin’ much of my life seems divinely orchestrated.
I braved asking a few folks for small donations (or larger ones) to help me offset the 90 dollar ticket price for the Carey Gabay Foundation benefit concert. One wealthy fellow said he Would give a donation and might help me offset my ticket price..so that would be a big help to this new New Yorker…and @CareyGabay. I told a few folks there about Kaelan Paton, our late son (first time I’m using That term…)…so here’s to @KaelanPalmerPaton, or @KaelanPaton