This was a post shared with my End of Life Doula friends online, but it didn’t post. Thankfully I revived it (and even took pictures of it with my phone in case I couldn’t get it to transfer..) It covers the Gamut of What we each may wonder about from time to time. It’s a bit Much so maybe pace oneself…and some strange and maybe difficult topics are mentioned (dying, organ donations–willing and unintended, cremation, the Holocaust) and questions about the spiritual aspect of life and transitioning over a few days time when dying (even after one’s brain and/or heart has stopped…) Please read if over 18 or check with your parents first, thanks…

We had screenings in the northwest corner of CT area of Being Mortal with follow-up talks..and the newspaper coverage…The Lakeville Journal ( I think, for Tri-Corner which I also call Try-corner since we generally have a great community ethic and lots of funding from Community Foundations and many volunteers..even fire and ambulance folks.) I do think we would all benefit from realizing there are Two Main Schools of Thought (or ViewPoint) regarding Life and the Afterlife..

.One (which can be called VP1A) believes we have a spiritual aspect (energetic, informed by spirit or a larger intelligence…) and the other (VP2B) looks at the body as the end-all, be-all mechanical wonder which expires and ceases to exist ‘taking everything with it’…including any energetic component, spirit, soul, etc. If we could Clarify who is speaking with respect to Viewpoint 1A versus Viewpoint 2B we could make tremendous strides.

The people who do not believe or can not acknowledge VP2B due to their training, culture, disbelief, lack of evidence, professional standing, ridicule, lack of knowledge or other reasons tend to cloud and dismiss the possibilities of the experiences and feelings of those in the VP2B group. The VP1A folks tend to be the those in charge of society in terms of medical, mental health, social and cultural by and large. That leaves only faith groups and hippies to consider the Possibilities of spirit as part of society and everyone else is left in la-la land, having to brave an inroad with help from the internet

. Ideally we can provide a bridge of understanding of both VP1A and VP2B views, historical and current influences, scientific and religious etc…and show how each informs one’s options, life styles, relationships, decision-making, and yes, whether extreme measures are taken to save one’s physical life or whether one is on life support, is an organ donor and much more. Culturally many people ‘don’t think twice’ and allow the edicts of their religious or social traditions be their plan of action…Orthodox Jews have very established protocol which many follow and others may include in some ways.From a talk I heard on the internet, the body is allowed to die as naturally as possible with little interference and even much ‘comfort care’ not over done so the person can ‘be on their way and have their own process…’ Certain people come support the family so they do not have to be the most hands-on (if I recall correctly…and particularly after a person dies, there are others beside family who tend to the preparation of the deceased person’s body. It is washed or otherwise cared for and dressed in a simple white shroud that is standard and represents the sameness of all who are deceased…).

I would have to research more, but the overall idea is that there is a burial within a day. Cremation is not as common since that may seem a violation of the body and/or the Holocaust was a deep wound for many who feel cremation is too disturbingly similar to what millions were forced to face. There would be room to make a Viewpoint 3C about Cultural and Traditional practices to include those kinds of considerations.

Of course, there are many perspectives in each Viewpoint, even varying among Catholic and Protestant or likely many other religious groups. I think a computer app to list the basic parameters of each faith and what is expected in terms of preparing a deceased person’s body for burial, the timing of burial, types of acceptable burial, ways to support the family and friends (and even a timeline going out weeks, months and years) would be very valuable, In cities with many cultural groups to serve having a few insights could help anyone from doulas and funeral directors etc to social groups wanting to show support be more informed and appropriate.

Native American cultures for instance may believe in not speaking of the person for a year to allow the spirit to continue on its journey. In many Christian circles, not feeling any strong connection to the dead may be recommended as they are viewed as ‘in a state of sleep’ and will be awakened when Jesus returns for the Second Coming. Others feel it could keep the spirit from transitioning out of the mortal realm if loved ones are grieving or otherwise depending on the spirit for guidance…or vice versa.

Encouraging a spirit to ‘travel into the light, to be with God and angel guides, may be more of the way to help the spirit. ‘ In the Jewish faith, leaving a legacy of funds or buildings with the person’s name is a way to remember their good works. That has caught on with other groups as well, but it’s not a given that it would be deemed appropriate if someone felt it was somehow ‘disturbing that person’s spirit’ to be front and center. With the internet and the way news works, the level of privacy or publicity no longer exists. A family or group may become the headlines of the day or certain passings will be listed or discussed in the news if not only on Facebook..and likely there could be more consideration on those points as well. Okay, I realize this is a lot, but it seems we are going to be in the midst of these kinds of matters as well as the ‘what to do for various physical and social needs’ in times of challenge and even finding the areas to help people have a foothold on positive life experiences amidst the transitions. I will share these ideas on where I have a few VPs, viewpoints, exploring many topics including whether there is life off of earth (and we might allow ourselves to consider what that means for humans if that is the case as Steven Greer and many others say is the case. Some theorize that aliens or even manmade experiments have devised ‘other life forms’ that humans could be integrated into either to live more strategically on earth in various climates or on other planets…I know I had thought I’d heard or thought of everything, yet with Cyborgs (people with computer assisted parts, artificial limbs and so much more we likely don’t hear about…) I imagine it can keep us from ‘despairing’ over feeling we are reaching our limits as a species or even as individuals with a set life span. One key question I have bumped into when learning that some believe (such as Edgar Cayce of the center or Rudolf Steiner with his wide range of teachings on theosophy or anthropological views…yes, a huge ‘new category’ but one that says we are spiritual beings….and it may take our spirits three full days to completely leave the mortal body (and no, I don’t know offhand what happens from his view if a body is destroyed upon dying but will try to find out..maybe googling that one or seeing or com

) About a few thousand Waldorf Schools are designed around his teachings and NY has recognized their contributions to education. The book Living Into Dying by Nancy Jewel Poyer ( I think) describe the home death care and positive ritual of having family and others visit in a kind, upbeat way to assist the spirit on its journey off the earth plane in the 3 days after the person passes. That would be a very helpful process to learn more about (and I got the Hunt Library in CT to order the book and have a copy as well.) I know there is a home funeral association in America and hope if anyone goes to their conference etc they can summarize points. I do wonder about organ donation in terms of a person’s spirit needing to transition out of the body… It is not a great choice to have to make not knowing what the deceased person may experience energetically, spiritually and so on…at the time of being operated on (which happens when a person is brain dead, not necessarily after a heart stops beating…).

The other situation of great concern for me and likely everyone as they begin to think about the ongoing consequences of ‘transferring bodily organs and such’ is IF we live many life times, how does that effect our soul’s path. Would our organs (and some say, like ,the many spirits attached to each organ as well as ancestral and cultural ties we have made for this life and future ones…) be affected in a harmful way? Again, these are tricky questions and I’ve had a decade if not longer to think about things as I hear them…and any kind of summary of the philosophies as well as the ‘modern day miracles we can make happen, usually without problems, but sometimes with donated organs not being used or the recipient still not living longer etc..) can be important to think about sooner rather than later.

The amount of money put into saving lives and extending them rather than helping infants and pregnant women have safe, good care and standards of living has seemed a bit unbalanced. The handful of psychics I have heard assure their listeners and readers that ‘there is no such things as spiritual death, and that everyone is fine on the other side…though if they’be done horrible things in this world, some say there are ‘consequences’ where they need more help than most and may have to come back with harder lives to live.” Some teachings from Edgar Cayce (and many faiths around the world) teach ‘what goes around comes around…what we inflict on others will be done to us..and I believe or add that could include to our kin or friends who may have agreed spiritually to take that on to wake up our souls and help us see the wisdom of working toward inner and outer peace. I think if prisoners could hear this theory almost from a scientific theoretical stance, they may make amends and convince others to not go down the road they did.

As horrible as it is to lose people to violence, the notion that at least they were the victims and not doing the killing can give some people a perspective to feel more at peace. For a killer to hear that ‘s/he may have to suffer what they delivered to another whether intentionally or unintentionally inflicted..but particularly the former..well they may think long and hard about any criminal intentions.

Even people committing suicide are often reported to tell psychics they didn’t mean to do that or to cause harm. Many say to psychics or if they are revived or otherwise do not die when trying to that ‘they didn’t mean to do that’. The saying that suicide (or likely any extreme reaction or harm to self or others) is a viewed as a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Likely most committing suicide in a manner of escape (but some from energy work say any self-exit plan is not recommended spiritually..but some say there’s some wiggle room for it if someone is doing it to end pain and suffering and is about to die from disease, injury etc..

That is not to say a life need to be kept on life support, but everyone should try to think about what they’d really want even if it would take a day or more to decide.Learning what the medical protocol is for ambulance or 911 responders, doctors and others even state by state is important. Having clear one-page summaries (even both side if need be) handy is key but still no guarantee DNR (do no resuscitate orders) will be followed.

Having any input into ‘how one goes’ or if organs are donated may be considered a luxury. Unfortunately in parts of the world ‘harvesting organs’ from live healthy people is a business (and a criminal one but condoned or on the black market, etc) I have met people who have reported as much countries rumored to do that and likely even others. So again the whole Bigger Picture view for humanity is one that is putting more stock in VP1A rather than VP2B See other posts on this blog and the bigger internet for insights into all of these ideas and many schools of thoughts.

Consider Each Person may have come into the world not only for a certain time period and experience of a particular life but as part of an energetic group of beings (yes, family systems of birth, adoption, association, school chums, sweetheart(s), work and community ties, missions and more…if you’ve never thought about life in that way, consider life is spelled with a big If in the middle and Love and Experience on the bookends..for each person and all of us as well… we are part of one another’s stories, world and energies. Quantum theory offers the ideas that ‘all is one, inter-related, connected and dependent..’ and we may have lots coming our way from beyond the earth realm as well as from the earth so to not feel too responsible yet very response-able…

I will wrap this up for now but appreciate all these ideas and being able to share them on #PeaceDay which is always September 21st and is a time for no fighting to allow for humanitarian aid, celebration and activism for peace around the world and more. Started in 1982 and picking up speed, let’s make Every Day World Peace Day and hopefully the tide of Big Love and Wisdom will pull everyone into the loop in a good way… All the best and be sure to take a rest each day and as you can with a few deep breaths and safely closing your eyes (not when driving or needing to see however.) Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in…and when it may be anyone’s time to go may it be peaceful and with a relaxing one last time to Breathe out…