Part 2 of a blog post regarding election results in a small town in CT…
I really did intend to keep the positive theme going…and encourage people to think of ways to invite lots of nice folks up from Brooklyn NY where there are ton of cool people..Day visits or longer, sister schools or however we could work it out. I would like to see the NW Corner and SW part of MA feel more connected to NYC.
Plenty of college kids discover the area and though pricey to live in, it’s a great place to visit..thus making friends and alliances Could be a win-win. Figuring out ways to host students so more amazing athletes, musicians and students could call the NW Corner part of their experience would be very helpful too…why not share while there are still schools in each town and enough locals to welcome newcomers? My hope with sharing the above info now is ‘there’s never a good time, but voting time is one of empowerment and hearing ideas…’. Most nice guys may be clueless about abuse and how it’s a ‘male violence and control’ over women and youth and other guys..issue.
But that doesn’t solve it. Same with being clueless about court, custody and all that jazz…it is not a great way to live in terms of navigating one’s life. Knowing police protocol is also very important (and community police outreach such as the Sheffield Police offer from time to time is a good start. Maybe an online program would make sense.
Overall knowing that when one calls the police they need to respond..and even telling them something is grounds for them to take action. One person made a report about a rather minor issue when told they would not take action on it as was her request. She was saddened to learn they told the person in question who happened to be a counselor. The counselor then dropped her and another person as clients and let ‘the chips fall where they would’ in a serious costly legal matter.
The chips did not fall well..and by chance another loss of a serious nature occurred in part due to that first turn of events. These are the tough lessons that seldom get imparted to the public but there’s always hope we can Start to have earlier plans, guidelines, laws and fines (as needed, voluntary if not more official ones) for people to be informed about the importance of not letting conflict fester, for people to get help with mental health, drug and other issues, and for custody factors that every parent should know early on in their parenting career or adventure or challenge.
Okay now back to keeping up with the latest in politics..and kudos to all who had their hat in the ring and those who are taking on important roles for the town and wider community.
I will put this on my blog should it need to be removed from here…either way, thanks for being here and letting me share a few thoughts even though it’s getting’s as good a time as any.