I appreciate everyone keeping all the small towns in CT and the other towns, large and small in every state, going strong when the challenges for making a living and coordinating services seem to go up with fewer ‘younger people’ (adults under 50 or 40) and students for the schools.

I have reached 80K people with posts about the area (about 40K on the Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton post) which offers many important ideas about Keeping People Safe On All Levels, even in their Homes and Relationships, even in court and custody situations.

I realize that’s nothing ‘local government’ thinks is can or should inform itself about. However, that needs to change. Ideally students could be Educated about safety and that would basically start with girls and young women learning some very important laws regarding safety, making legal commitments, the terms of mutual consent to be romantically or otherwise involved with someone..and those pertaining to having children, caring for them ‘up to code’ (which is being defined more and more to catch up the loose ends but unfortunately is not a perfect system and has strict dire measures in place on many fronts…often prone to difficulty.

CA Protective Parents Association has important info on their website, local news coverage about BMCC and other national trends that work Against protective parents who are abused not only by a spouse but by the courts when they go for help.

A Coordinated Community Response is needed to not only keep children and their protective moms safe (which is the statistic in most cases of abuse) but everyone else safe as well…since an unstable abusive biological father or ‘spouse/boyfriend’ in name only can often wreak havoc on others (such as was the case in the Texas tragedy at a church near San Antonio 11-5-17.)

More schools are trying to take things seriously ‘at least on paper’ when it comes to sexual assault or abuse of women and minors…but it likely is a long, uphill road many bystanders will have to become aware of as well.

A costly study done twice about how to help rural towns in our area resulted in a very small study based largely on work by Lundy Bancroft. He has run Batterer Intervention programs for decades and has important books for many to thumb through such as Why Does He DO That?

Every parent likely needs to read through such books to make sure they also do not feel ‘entitled’ to boss their kids around or demand compliance based on strict values whether cultural or religious.Kids are people too with rights but sadly no legal standing or voices that can be heard or readily accessed.

Those terms Should be changing soon, but again the ‘responses’ from our system are confusing and challenging to everyone…and in small towns that’s the case ‘ten-fold’.

We would do well to set up a ‘concerns committee’ town by town perhaps with an online resource to help people understand the modern world in its growing complexity and its ‘reality’.