is the link to learn about one small town’s problem. One speaker called it ‘the canary in the coal mine.’ I have noted the overall decline in population in CT and our small towns for many years. I likely have an letter I wrote and shared with friends about ‘the leavers’..reasons people leaves, who they are..if they can circle back for visits or longer. Now I’ve become a “leaver” in large part, for a year or so mainly being away…but with enough time back I feel I can pretty much keep track of things. I had been spending more time in the Great Barrington MA community and I still draw on some of those connections online. So back to the story of schools on the decline Maybe Permaculture strategies can help.

Take some Time and Get a friend or two, and definitely some women thinking on these things. Then have some nice men with good speaking voices help present the ideas in forums if one is afraid or too busy etc to do so. Women can speak up too of course, yet some have said “if  guy says it people listen better.. Now finding that friendly type fellow may take some effort, so bring his pals along too.

That may sound sexist or old-fashioned in this day and age, but we really need to have some serious chats far and wide… again mainly women speaking to women (so not to be shut down or intimidated…and then have a few savvy informed fellows add their voice to the brief overviews that are in writing, start petitions and circulate as is safe and appropriate, going to public places not door to door etc, and not alone no matter one’s gender. Okay, these are just a few quick thoughts and feedback is welcome on any post…but I need to be able to approve it or edit it to make it presentable to the public fyi.