“What is Social? by Northwestern University on Coursera. Certificate earned on June 30, 2017”. is a class I took for credit through Coursera. I had to pay 50 per month to do that and the first one worked out. Then there were More Courses, and it’s November..and I haven’t kept up because I didn’t figure out the Bluemix fro IBM which changed recently to IBM Cloud. I got a six month trial with the IBM Cloud if I paid for the Coursera..which was a great value.
.But only if I USE it. I see that Social Mention is a data screening tool to see who key leaders are in a field. I don’t feel I have the time (or as someone kindly but clearly pointed out) I am not Using My Time Well to focus on the coursework..and haven’t taken time to ask the online instructors details (or go over the online instructions, write them in a notebook or on paper, then Follow Them.) I need to cancel both the coursera and the BlueMix to avoid being billed again..any day! Or Try Harder to Really Use the Fabulous Tool (that allows me a 1500 credit of searches, etc…I need to learn more and may contact them by phone.0
Each little step is important. I could download some of the classes and links I thinks.. but am not sure. See how I’m kind of half way into it? Someone paid for my first month, then went halves for the next. then I was on my own. Well, overall it was pretty cool Most classes can be taken for free and yet again motivating oneself is important to do to real the rewards.
Hope that helps others. I can summarize more during the daylight hours. I also am taking programs with Suzanne O’Brien on End of Life Doula work, both paperwork people need to have in place for more clarity about their choices and ways to care for people during their final weeks and months of life (if not only days since often that is when hospice is called in.) Developing a professional persona and having a FB account, page, website, and linked in, twitter etc accounts for that purpose was one key point of the course. I found that helpful and it movtivated me to do that. I also clarified types of people I would want to network with. Maybe I can post some of that here too. Okay need to go, All the best, Time for R-E-S-T!