When people talking about ‘finding a new high’ they hardly mean literally jumping 20 feet up in the air. I know I’m a special person for loving to run, jump and play since I was a kid. Dancing for about ten years after doing basic gymnastics (including a round off, back handspring –with a spotter, thanks, Janice!) until I was 14 was also after doing sports such as soccer, basketball, softball and track in my early teens.

So Maybe I jump a little farther or higher than the average 54 year old..but how I did the 20 foot jump with ease and repetition was with the help of a bungee jumping apparatus and trampoline. That was part of an amazing indoor activity carnival to raise fund for The Jane Lloyd Fund. Seemed to be about 300 teens there and I was only there for the first part of the night.

Even though I was aching in new ways from being squeezed by the harnesses and using my Musk-uls or muscles in the three minute intensive in reaching new heights (but not nearly as some going the full 30-something foot distance and flipping), I was happy to have given it the ol’ Can-Do try.

Lots of fun seeing friends with their kids reach new heights as well. Time for a hot shower soon after walking in the cold windy night just to make sure I could ambulate and run with said tired muscles. But thinking of the afternooon highlight in Salisbury today, on April 15th, 2018 makes me feel I am hovering closer to heaven on the strings and melodies of Hadyn’s Creation.

The Congregational Church was filled to the brim and balcony with beautiful people, including those from France and from Salisbury and Norfolk churches playing lovely music on violins, cellos, basses, trumpets, kettle drums and a wind section comprised of clarinets, flutes, bassoons, French horns and likely some I’ve missed.

The choristers hailed from France on their own nickel. I will think of them when I turn ‘double nickels, 55, next month on the 14th of May (yes, the same birthday as the Facebook Zuckerberg fellow whose made his Mark on the internet and world and now Congress..Happy Early Birthday Mark Zuckerberg on May 14th again from one of your 9 million birthday buddies  and many more.)

The couple of hours of music transported a couple hundred of us to an exquisite set of celestial musical melodies and more. Every person seemed to be part of a movie in the making and setting the one coast to coast (from the US to Europe) of a wide range of possibilities for collaboration.

The skilled singers, women on one side and men on the other. of the balconies along with the soloists brought the story of Creation as told in Genesis to life ‘in living color.’ What are the odds that when I saw a folk-singer friend later in the evening that she’d ask me to look up a Folk Legacy #82 song which happened to come after one called Dawn written by Jonothan Eberhardt. I hope to hear in on youtube and share it like this https://youtu.be/ncAO1PVZidU

Okay, time to wrap up this special day, which did include church as well. News of people knowing others who ‘died suddenly’ (went to heaven I trust) and joys of little ones being born, getting married ( whether to a person of a different or similar gender or one in between…and on various terms and ages in life when it may or may not really make a difference or help financially but each hopefully  pursued with a fair amount of consideration and ‘reality checks’ with caring friends and resource people since these are lifelong arrangements unless legal steps are taken to relieve people of financial and other responsibilities should that be the desire of one or both people. Not all states have ‘no fault’ divorce.

As I have heard for years and  on the New Media Summit the other day, some people promote collaborative or amicable divorce and custody plans, maybe even as part of a pre-nup and one person has a business called “The Happy Divorce”.

Likely every country and state needs to have a clear ‘full disclosure’ about What It Means to Date, Commit. Live With, Parent, Co-Parent (apart), Marry, Divorce or have a Controlled Separation, Custody or in general voluntary parenting and community caregiving set of plans for anyone to reference and implement.

That’s a lot but I also went to an Opioid Crisis talk in Falls Village CT hosted by a group of advocates to help more people take a public first aid training (still room to sign up) to encourage more people to help people with the ‘inner game’ people are facing if stressed or tempted to do drugs before age 21 (or even after in unsafe ways or if it may become addictive.

Basically opioids Are addicting so it is important for people to not think they are not ‘prone to that’ or should just take the pills given to them for pain if they don’t understand that risk. That’s the kind of high we need to say goodbye to. A song I wrote for a youth who passed from a drug-related downward spiral included these opening lines:

Were your hellos really goodbyes, When I think of you now, I see the love behind your eyes…

Let’s hope that all who have struggled with addictions and downward spirals can find support and inner strength to hear the music and call of the creative greater love for their souls. Also on the New Media Summit, Raven the Maven and others shared stories of an inner despair that had them down and almost ready to put their light out. Thankfully they discovered a way to have a turning point and eventually overcome their despair to reclaim their lives. Often that would lead to a business reaching out to help others in their journey or with a special insight into business ventures.

Thanks to all who brave their next best move of self-love and self-care and as they are safely able to do so, call in help for someone in trouble or assist with a team and game plan. Many caring people, perhaps women caring for women, men for men, kids for kids and so on along with other checks and balances in small groups would be the way to go across the school grades and decades of life spectrums.

Everybuddy feeling valued and included for their ideas and choices as well as their voices and the way they communicate and collaborate can help bring more of heaven to earth. I saw someone with a well-known psychic gift when I first walked into the concert. We got to talk as friends for a minute and that was likely a clue that heaven was knocking on my heart’s door. Loved ones such as our teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton (whose last day I recount online in Remembering Kaelan…) and my parents and family members heavenside all came to mind.

A man who I cared for who was not found after leaving his home in a few minute window over ten years ago came to mind. I thought of many ‘on the other side’ who could be listening in to this music fit for spiritual beings as well as us mortal ones.

This was the kind of celebration of life I would have wanted for any who did not have that as part of their farewell. I learned later that the church had done a service for my friend who wandered and that again seemed to me a wink from the beyond. They are okay and we can be okay. We can let go of the agony of missing our loved ones and for how events may have unfolded that ‘led to their seemingly untimely exit or loss.’

We can learn from those events and experiences however. I was able to reflect with someone else that each generation must clarify many legal matters for youth who are counting on us to ‘know what to do to guide them with wisdom’ in life, particularly about emotional, social and legal matters. Being ignorant or neglectful or even willfully misguided when an unstable or abusive person is ‘calling the shots’ if not traumatizing others is not okay for lawyers, social workers or counselors to do.

That can make them complicit in the crime of abuse of a victim and her children. The lights need to come on clearly and consistently throughouth the family and care giving and legal and faith systems to keep people safe and protected day and night. A New Creation is Dawning.

More information about how to achieve that is on other posts, but the BMCC is coming up in Albany on May 4-6, 2018 and much could be gained from attending or seeing their resources. Some sites seems to have been blocked such as Barry Goldstein’s but overall ‘we will not be stopped’. The truth of the harm done to women and children, in part due to the misuse of power given to men to rule over women.

This needs healing as does any harm women and men do to children who they have ‘power over’ legally. The new paradigm needs to be one of empowerment and having power with others, being team players and understanding how that can be achieved in many legal and practical ways in households, faith and social communities, schools and work places, the military (even with a chain of command, the respect needs to be comprehensive.)

Thanks for helping bring this new caring creation into being, for a new day to dawn for our youth and all members of our society and larger world. We have loving beings on our side and likely ‘G-d rooting for us’ but maybe not needing us to fight forever about just how that’s happening. Trust, Care, Breathe, Ask, Seek, Knock..and the Dawn will be opened to us!