Hello AARP and all 50-Year-OIds..I have an important announcement to make..April 10th (every year) is hereby now “50-Year-Olds” Day. The math and even concept is a bit tricky, but nothing we can’t handle in these modern times.
I’ll crunch the numbers for you. Forty years can be calculated as 4 x10 to get 40. April is the 4th month of the year which makes a nice time to represent 40 year olds..now count 9 days into April to represent the 41 ( on 4-1) through 49 (on 4-9), then it’s easy to arrive count “50” on 4-10.
Then, on May 1st there’s the date for 51 year-olds, and with May 10th being the day to celebrate 60 year-olds, and so on, back from January being for up to 1(on 1-1) and on up to 10 year olds (on 1-10)through 20 year olds (they can celebrate on Jan 20th ).
Then in February, the 21 years olds on 2-1 and the 30 year olds on Feb 10th…with 31s on 3-1, see?
The Chinese say a lot happens for a person as they round another decade, maybe worth a google. This is not a system linked to zodiac and so on, but more of a team-building effort for fun and practical reasons to help people learn about what age and stage of life they are in (or others in their area).
Thanks for checking out more details on the post about 2014. More to follow. Why not share with some 50 year olds in your life?
Every age can be turned into a date and a way to celebrate that age…so how might you make your new ‘special days’ memorable?
I’ll be spending time with a friend who needs some extra help, but before that heading to see a Sesame Street Show with lots of kids in the audience..that ought to help me keep things in perspective in life.
I’ll be thinking of a little one I met the other day who only has a ‘few weeks left’, a sweet litte Eva. I’ll also think of a friend whose days ended without time to call for help so was found a few days later in her humble home. All the more reason for people to let others know early on if they need help, where they are going and to find support for any needs the best they can with online advice, a call, or when able, from another caring, responsible person.
Back to tuning into the times that make life meaningful..which can be any time we choose to do so. I’m reading the Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard and it’s full of ideas I’ll try to summarize in another posting.
.One idea is that just as we dream yet are still in bed, we are fully in spirit (or with God) even though we are living in a physical world. That can take a moment to ponder and I’m not quoting. Similar ideas may be on www.thewordfoundation.org which has a table of contents worth checking out (I looked up accidents and such, and it’s a view along the lines of karma playing out over many lifetimes…so tread, think and act lightly on the plan-it…we’re likely much more powerful than ever led to believe.and results may take a while to play out, but play out they will, not always to our liking yet maybe still according to our choices/ actions/ words’.
I hope more students can bump into this Theory sooner rather than ‘it’s too late-r’..goodnight to all just before midnight which is in the middle of Zi time according to www.drsha.com who says we really benefit from sleeping (who knew) specifically between 11pm and 1am (so I was pushing it, but hopefully, y’all are worth it and can help get the word out about this new idea for 50 year olds and all other ages too…). Ciao now!